San Raymundo, Guatemala
March 23rd, 2016
Today, we want to take a moment to recognize two incredible students that represent the type of young leaders that we strive to train up at Morning Glory. Carla Aide Alvarez Sil (C) is in 4th grade and Thomas Haynie (T) is in 6th. Both of these young people have proven themselves to be dependable, responsible, and respectful to peers and professors. Because of their exemplary accomplishments and behavior we consider Thomas and Carla to be “Images of Glory”: students that embody our core values and commitment to Christ-like attitudes and actions. Today, we give them a chance to express their thoughts and opinions of their time at Morning Glory.
Q- How old are you?
T- I’m 11 years old

C- I’m 9.

Q- How long have you been at this school?
T- I’ve been here 2 years

C- And I’ve been here 3.

Q-What’s your favorite class?
T-  I like Math.

C- My favorite class is Dance.

Q- What do you want to be when you grow up?
T- I want to be an author for children.

C- I want to be a teacher. 

Q- What kinds of things have you learned at Morning Glory?
T- Stuff like using a computer and some math concepts.

C- How to respect, share, and help those that I can.

Q- What do you like most about the school?
T-  I like the facilities, but I also like that they teach us about Christianity.

C- I like being with my friends

Q- How is this school different from others you have attended?
T- It’s a Christian school

C- In this school, it’s bigger, has more classrooms, I have more friends, and I learn more. 

In these pictures, Carla sings in Bible class and Thomas marches in the band.
Q-  What are some of the most important life lessons that you have learned at Morning Glory?
T- Don’t mistreat people, don’t fight, and pay attention.

C- To give advice to my friends and listen to them.

Q- Tell us about an example of a time a teacher helped you or gave you good advice.
T-  Miss Meli helped me learn how to act when others were picking on me.

C- Miss PIli has helped me learn to take care of my things.

Q- How do you think your time at Morning Glory is helping you prepare for your future?
T- With the level of education that they give us. They also teach us about the Bible and that’s very important.

C- By helping me learn the important things so I can study in the University in the future

Q- Would you like to thank a teacher or staff member for a good memory, advice, help, or anything else?
T- I’d like to thank Michael & Rose Mary for inviting my family and I to dinners.

C-  Thank you to Neidy and  Mynor for letting me play in her house with their daughter Dafne.

Q- What recommendations do you have for Lori to improve the school?
T- Longer recess!

C- That those in Band and Dance Squad can be flag-bearers (the students with the highest grade in the class) in events

Q- How do you think you will be able to help Guatemala and the whole world when you leave Morning Glory? 

T- I’ll be able to have a good job, I’ll help clean the environment, and I’ll be able to bring peace to war and conflicts.

C- By being a better citizen, responsible, and obedient to God. 

Thank you, Thomas and Carla. We hope that you continue ahead in your lives and examples of excellence, responsibility, confidence, and integrity for God. 

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Prayers! Pray for continued provision and protection for the school and it’s staff.  Pray for rest during the break this week.  Pray that the students will remember the lessons learned with the groups that came in March.
Praises!  We are so thankful for our friends from CCA and Bachelor Creek and the important lessons they left with us.  We are thankful for the new equipment to help us manage the school day better. We thank God for the successful completion of the first 9 weeks of school. 
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2016 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.