March 22, 2016
Once again a “dry and thirsty land”!
Summer in the Philippines has come early and the normal wet season was not very wet.  We have been told to expect a long and thirsty super-drought to last until August of this year.  All around us the signs of extreme heat and lack of water begin to appear. Crops were already harvested and new crops are usually planted in June. However they need water and even if they have irrigation a long drought affects water levels everywhere.  We have to keep our water pump booster on for longer times to fill our small tank but are thankful we have a well.
This time of year is also the time when the new Yolanda village will begin to receive families affected from the super typhoon Yolanda over two years ago. At present there are only a couple of small manual water pumps for over 1,400 units of housing.  It should be interesting as water is needed in most living aspects of life. The village builders said that is not their problem and so have ignored this aspect of the construction of all these units.
Please pray for us as we strive to reach some of these new people for the Lord.  It won’t be possible to hold a feeding program since the numbers will be in the thousands but we are looking for other ways that can be used to reach these new dwellers for Jesus.  This is a real challenge and we know that God does have a plan for reaching those thousands who are lost that will be moving in next to us.
Anthony is back in Bible College. His family has had to move away to a new location as the police still do not know why his father was murdered and his mother and brother shot at.   We are thankful to a couple of our supporters who have provided extra funds to help with his back costs in Bible College and also to help him with some expenses.  He needs help for the next year of study which will begin in June 2016 and if anyone would like to send a gift to our forwarding agent it would be a great blessing for him.
Junior is finishing Bible College April 1, 2016 and will begin a special program on another island designed to develop his mentoring and evangelism skills. It will be a one on one program with an outstanding native senior evangelists and a missionary on that island.  We will share more of this shortly once he leaves for program. It is very limited and he was chosen because of his desire to serve Jesus and refine what he has learned and learn more as well.   It is a program designed to develop future mentors in the Philippines. Please pray for Him as he concludes Bible College and begins his exciting ministry journey.
Carol and I would like to thank all of your for your prayers and support.  We trust that God will bless us and keep us safe as we travel and preach and teach among our churches and beyond!
With Christian Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Joanne McKenzie
Pacific Rim Ministries
P.O. Box 323
Weston, Ohio 43569