Lifeline Christian Mission
global impact - health care
We started on a global journey.  
Last week we ventured into Honduras, to see the heart of a pastor who serves in a community filled with poverty and violence.  This week, Elaine, our eye clinic coordinator, takes us into Haiti to “see” how one basic need is being met.
Elaine writes…
One day I was helping with the visual acuity checks in our Haiti eye clinic.  These initial tests give a glimpse of the patient’s vision needs, but are difficult for the older people.

medical ministry highlights
Navajo man
Arizona: Navajo Nation

Indian Health Services (IHS) provide medical, dental, and vision services to the Navajo, but it is very challenging if a person is in need of immediate major medical care. The proper process and procedures must be followed or patients must pay for their own care.

clinic in Cuba
While Cuba has socialized medicine, our experiences revealed that there are long waits to get into a hospital and medications are at a premium; most of the patients our mission team saw requested vitamins and simple over-the-counter medicines. (We visited a pharmacy and the shelves basically were bare.)  Because smoking is a prevalent, many suffer from respiratory diseases.

Dr Weadman

More patients are coming to our Grand Goave clinic with the addition of Dr. Weadman to our staff; he is a Haitian from Grand Goave and was sponsored to attend medical school in the Dominican Republic.  Dr. Weadman wrote, “Lifeline’s sonogram clinic is so competitive and we are offering great quality of service that they would only find in the Dominican Republic or U.S.”

praying for the clinic staff

Each of our mission teams pray for Lifeline’s field staff and ministries, including our clinic staff and patients. This personal connection has left a powerful imprint on both the teams and our staff.

medical team in Haiti
Dr Bill & Dr Doug are no strangers to serving the Haitians in Lifeline’s clinic.  You can catch a glimpse of their recent experience in Haiti, how the 2010 earthquake still resonates, and how not all cases can be handled…

Dr Johana

The staff at our Ocotillo clinic continue to serve our students and the surrounding community.  Besides treatment, patient education is an integral part of the ministry.

serving in Honduras

The medical team left an imprint of Christ’s love on the Honduran people: they brought smiles to the sick in the public hospital, cared for students, served in our clinic, ministered in a remote clinic in the mountains, and more. Thank you for using your talents and gifts to serve others in Christ’s name!

The Gathering
You’re invited to
The Gathering: Your Global Impact
Sunday, April 3  ~ Discover Christian Church ~ 4:00p – 5:30p
At The Gathering, you’ll reconnect with Lifeline friends, swap stories with fellow mission team members, enjoy time with our staff, and see how you are making a global impact through your partnership with Lifeline.  And bring some friends to introduce them to Lifeline and all the amazing ways they can be involved!
Also joining us are 4 special guests!
You’ve met Brian and Carlos.  Who will be next?
praises & prayer requests
We humbly request your prayers for our ministry communities and ask you join us in celebrating what God is doing: praises & prayer requests

Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363