This publication offers daily prayer opportunities for you and our other prayer partners.

March 20 – 26

Personnel in New Fields

Pioneer Bible Translators’ personnel who serve in newly-opened fields face unique challenges. We invite you to lift them up in these special ways.

Personnel in new churchless, Bibleless fields may have few if any opportunities to gather with other believers. Pray that they will be able to worship and fellowship with others.   

Pray for faithfulness in nurturing their relationship with the Lord.     

Loneliness and isolation come easily to those serving in new fields. Pray that they will always be aware of the Lord’s presence. Pray for sustaining friendships with local people in their host communities.   

Personnel in new fields have no close colleagues who understand as they go through culture shock and other first-term adjustments. Pray that they will look to God to carry them through these difficult times.    

Being virtually alone in a foreign country adds stress to a marriage. Pray that God will strengthen couples serving in new fields. Pray also for strengthening friendships for single team members who face these same stresses without a spouse to share the load.      

Family and friends back home can provide invaluable support during times of feeling lonely or homesick. Pray for sustaining, encouraging relationships with their support network in their home country.    
Pray that God will grant opportunities to develop relationships with key leaders in their host communities. Pray for favor in the eyes of those who can assist with language and culture acquisition and show them how to become trusted friends and neighbors.

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