Go + Serve

This e-newsletter is designed especially for people like you who are considering cross-cultural missionary service. We know it can be an exciting yet intimidating journey, and we want to walk alongside you in the process. We’ve been equipping and sending missionaries to the mission field for 66 years and are excited to explore how we may partner together. If you’d like to talk to someone in our Mobilization division, email us at mobilization@cmfi.org or call 317.578.2700.

Meet Jake!

When Jake Flanagan realized he had missed a payment for the child he sponsors through the CMF child sponsorship program, his visit to the CMF website challenged him to apply and serve in Mexico as a Reach summer intern. Jake’s internship experience, as well as his personal testimony, aligned in pointing him toward long-term service among the urban poor of Fuego Nuevo, a neighborhood located on the southeast side of Mexico City, Mexico. With his passion for working with children and those suffering from addiction, Jake is preparing to serve with a team of CMF missionaries and national partners. Pray for Jake to keep God at the center of it all as he eagerly joins in the holistic ministry of the urban poor team in Fuego Nuevo.   

Watch the video above to hear more about Jake!


Where could I serve?

Take a look at all of our updated personnel needs here: Personnel Needs. If none of the these needs seem like a good fit for you, we’re happy to talk about other opportunities that may be a good match. Some current needs include the following….

Women’s Ministry LeaderBurkina Faso, West Africa: A married woman or widow is needed to minister to Muslim women in rural communities. Ministry opportunities would include Chronological Bible Storytelling with small groups of women, microenterprise projects, and health/nutrition teaching. The ability to learn two new languages, French and Dioula, is required.
Globalscope Campus Ministers, Thailand: The team needs young, committed singles or married couples who are dedicated to reaching out to Thai students at one of the top universities in Thailand. The team is looking for people who are self-starters and have the initiative to learn the Thai language, create campus events and programs, and add an exciting new dynamic to the Grapevine ministry. They are also looking for people who have experience in finance/administration or multimedia experience (photos and video).
Community Development Worker, Trujillo, Peru: CMF is looking for individuals with a heart for the urban poor to work in the city of Trujillo, Peru. Trujillo is home to 1.2 million people, the second largest city in the country. You would work alongside Peruvians using Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles and discipleship to minister to the urban poor. Individuals must have the ability to work under national leadership and will be trained by and report to a North American team leader. A two- to four-year commitment to the ministry is preferred.

Is CMF for me?

The age old adage, “There are a lot of fish in the sea …” can be applied to much more than just finding a mate. After saying, “Yes!” to serving cross-culturally, you begin the journey of determining when, where, and how to go. With options ranging from serving independently to serving through a denominational placement, we know you have a lot of homework to do in order to find the perfect fit for you!

As a full-service organization, CMF has a dedicated team that is committed to walking with our missionaries through pre-field, on-field, and post-field support. This includes everything from training in support raising to exploring new methodologies for ministry on the field.

After a recent visit to our home office in Indianapolis, Preston Coursey, a CMF missionary in Chiang Mai, Thailand, shared his thoughts about his connection to CMF:

“I was very encouraged during my last trip to the home office. I love the staff there and I am so thankful for all the work they do for us and the Kingdom. Sometimes I talk to other Kingdom workers and I hear about their sending organizations. I often think to myself, ‘Wow, I am happy I am with CMF!’ “
Begin thinking about what type of person you are, what type of ministry you desire to join, and how much involvement you want an organization to have in your journey. If you find that the answer involves a strategic, supportive, and hands-on approach, email the Mobilization team today to hear more about what is unique about serving with CMF!


CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
cmfi.org     missions@cmfi.org     317-578-2700
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