Here is Jacque’s latest update on Michaela. I’m sorry that I’ve taken so long to send this out:


Michaela’s nose is still very congested and that has an effect on her feeding. She has days where she’ll suck 50-60ml from the bottle and then she’ll have days where she sucks 20-30ml. This morning was a good morning, she showed good improvement after sucking 65ml. We are praying that she continues to suck more than 60ml so that her nasal gastric tube can come out and we can go home. At the moment she is still only sucking two bottles and then getting one tubed and she needs to be on all bottles before they consider taking the tube out. The doctor will only consider sending her home once she’s sucking approximately 80ml consistently over an extended period of time so at the moment, it depends entirely on Michaela and how soon she can gain her strength back. Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do but be patient and pray that she comes home soon. 



Thank you to everyone for their continuous prayers and support.

Connie, Morne and Jacque





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