Dear co-laborers in God’s great harvest field,

Season’s greetings from Coffee Country!  
Yes, indeed, it is that time of year again, we’re rapidly coming up on what Colombians call “Holy Week”, the season in which we recall the sacrifice made by our Lord and Savior and His victory over death as He rose again from the tomb!  Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed!

Using Media For Christ
We live in a dynamic world today, one in which people are used to receiving input into their lives from various kinds of media.  TV, movies, videos, music and more are used to sell products and influence thoughts – but too often the church has failed to use these same means effectively.  We rejoice at the availability of good movies that proclaim God’s message in ways that impact lives.  Here in Pereira we are doing our best to have a monthly “Night At The Movies” for those who wish to participate and we show some of the good movies that are now being produced.  In February we showed “El Poder De La Cruz” (“Do You Believe”) and this gave us an opportunity to talk about important subjects with some of the people who came to see it.  

Couples Meeting
We started up the monthly couples’ meeting again in February. The first meeting of the year brought two new couples and three couples we’d not seen in a while came as well.  It was a real blessing to talk with them about the importance of nurturing our relationship with our spouse and allowing Christ to be the center of our lives.

National Convention
The second week of February was our annual national convention of leaders from churches all over Colombia.   They selected me (Paul) for a second two year term as president of the association. There is much to be done over the next couple of years with many things that have been allowed to “slide” in the past now coming back to cause issues.  We ask that you pray with us for wisdom and guidance as we look forward seeking God’s will for the church in Colombia.

Youth Camp 2016
As we’ve mentioned, Pereira was selected to host this year’s national youth camp.  The dates will be July 1-4 and the theme is “Los Días De Tu Juventud” (The Days Of Your Youth).  The problem is, we’ve not yet been able to reserve a site which can handle the expected number of campers and sponsors.  There are a couple of good candidates, but we’ve not heard back from our first choice yet. Please pray with us about this matter and for those who will be participating in the teaching and other activities.

Rumbler Update
The Royal Enfield Rumbler just completed its first 1,000 miles and had its second warranty checkup and oil change at the dealer’s.  Thank you to all who made the acquisition of this important tool possible!

Thank you!
Truly we are grateful to each of you who take the time to lift us and our ministry up in prayer. From the time we first went on the mission field as a couple almost thirty years ago we have known  the importance of strong prayer support.  Thank you for being a part of the team that backs our ministry in prayer.  And thank you to each of you as individuals and congregations who are supporting us financially.  Your gifts make it possible for us to continue to live and work here in Colombia.  You are all an important part of our team and share in the blessings of taking Christ’s Gospel to a world that is living in darkness.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland

--   South American Christian Mission "... to prepare the saints..." Ephesians 4:12