Thank God:

·      For a blessing-filled week hosting our PNG teammate Sharon in our home. We’re especially grateful that we could host a meal the evening before she left, enabling her to visit with several PNG-connected people that she otherwise wouldn’t have had opportunity to see.

·      For the arrival of Mike’s brothers Lou and John on Saturday and for the help and encouragement they will give over the next several days.

·      That Dulcy, wife of lead Mbore translator Steven in Papua New Guinea, was released from her suffering earthly body today. 

·      That Eunice’s post-travel fatigue is clearing and she is able to work more productively at both home and work.


Please Pray:

·      That we will bless Lou and John as they encourage and bless us with their help and simply by being here.

·      That God will heal Mike and renew his strength, and that He will use him in mighty ways during this time of healing. 

·      For Dulcy’s family as they grieve. Pray that Mbore people will be drawn to Jesus as they see that Dulcy’s family does not grieve as people who have no hope. 

·      For the dedication of the complete Bible for a people group in North Eurasia on Saturday. Pray that every aspect of their day-long celebration will honor God and unify His people there. Pray for God’s protection from disruption by extremists. Pray that these Scriptures will have transforming impact on all who hear them. Pray for our PBT teammates who are participating in the dedication day events.


Herchenroeder Weekly Prayer Update is distributed by Mike and Eunice Herchenroeder, serving with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea and the U.S. To contact us, or to change or remove your address from this list, write to To partner financially in our ministry, checks payable to Pioneer Bible Translators can be sent to us at PO Box 112746, Carrollton, TX 75011-2746.