Ever Wondered How to Help from Afar?
Sometimes, serving hands-on isn’t an option. Perhaps the volunteer location or disaster site is too far away. Maybe, one isn’t physically able. At IDES, we understand the potential for disappointment when the opportunity doesn’t present itself to help on-site. It can feel like being left-out. We have great news for you!

You can be included in the joy of serving God and helping those who are hurting from afar with just the click of a button. This week, we will be featuring a story from our recent shipment of storage sheds to victims of the California wildfires. Through IDES Gift Catalog online, you can leave your fingerprints on a Disaster Response project like this by sponsoring a portion of a storage shed.

Disaster Response – Storage Sheds:
Imagine losing nearly everything you owned, including your house and basic necessities. What happens next? Can anything be salvaged? What might keep your usable belongings safe and secured? What would bring you some hope during such a dark time?
IDES volunteers build storage sheds year-round to be shipped to victims of U.S. Disasters in order meet these needs and provide local churches with a tool to reach 
out to their own community. 


Coming Up This Week:

Monday, February 29th

Are you tired? In this week’s Staff Devotional, explore the difference between true tiredness and having a tired attitude, inspired by Galatians 6:9.


Wednesday, March 2nd

“I can’t believe there are still people who do this.” This week’s Project Story focuses on victims of the California wildfires who received IDES Storage Sheds through their local church.

Check the “News” blog on our website this Wednesday!

Connect with IDES for daily updates!
P.O. Box 379 / 355 Park 32 West Dr.  Noblesville, IN 46061