Sheffler Update
February 2016


Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters


     The annual minister’s retreat was held in January. It was followed by 21 days of fasting for the Lord’s work in Nigeria for the new year. 

     The focus of their studies was Ministerial Ethics. Some of the specific topics were how to deal with challenging trends of family pressure, financial pressure and the high expectations placed on their ministry. They were able to encourage each other by sharing their personal challenges and successes. 

     A two-day crusade was held in Ekori in early January. Thirty people who participated in secret societies turned their lives over to Christ. 

     Sunday Obeten reports that over the years his ministry has trained fifty-six preachers of which thirty-two are preaching in Christian Churches in Nigeria.    Three hundred local church leaders have been trained through the TEE program. Twenty-six new churches have been planted. In addition to this, special benevolent programs have been conducted and a medical clinic has served the Ekori community. 


     We are happy to report that the new roof has been installed on the house where Godfred and his family live. We are thankful that we were able to extend our loan to cover the need and to get the roof installed before the rainy season starts. 


     We have learned that rice farm for the Gulumpe Christian Church where Daniel Marley serves was damaged by Fulani herds in December. Also the seed yams for Daniel’s farm were destroyed by fire on February 4 leaving him without seeds for the coming farming season. Special donations are needed to help them prepare for the coming farming season. 


1. Thank God for the encouragement given to the ministers working with Sunday Obeten in Nigeria.

2. Thank God for the many successes of the ministry of Sunday Obeten in Nigeria.

3. Thank God that the new roof was installed on the house where Godfred Mintah and his family live before the rains began. 

4. Pray that Daniel Marley and others can have the necessary funds to begin the next farming season after their recent loses.

5. Pray that Ivory Coast Christian Mission will be able to pay off its loan of $19,500 before the interest rate increases. 

6. Pray for the process of amending the constitution and by-laws of the Restoration Christian Churches in Ghana.

7. Pray for the selection of a good president for the United States of America in this election year. 
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