Last week for the first time in ages, I took time to walk in the garden and pick some lavender and a few roses. I really need to do that every day. But, things have been hectic and just trying to keep up with everything has been difficult.

On the communication side, my landline doesn’t work (except when the sun shines); Wi-Fi has been down a lot lately, and the cell phone server in the Vaalwater area is erratic. Then with important things to get done, my computer would not open to desktop at all. Took it to the computer guy, who finally got it working again but I lost the rough draft of the newsletter I wrote. All small problems, but it makes getting things completed very difficult.

Add to that putting 12 youth into tertiary colleges since the first of January and all the admin that goes with that and buying school uniforms or partial uniforms for about 80 children – still have others who need. Here are just a few of the kids in uniform.

Good news is that Thomas Pholobo got his driver’s license three weeks ago and I have put him on as my driver with Godfrey and Eric as support. Thomas has been driving for me for a couple of years as a learner driver, but now can go off on his own to do things for me. That helps a lot. We plan to get him into a correspondence school in June to study Project Management. That way he can be learning while he is not driving for me.








Also, great news from the five students we put into college (one into upgrading his Matric). They began a prayer meeting every evening at 9:30 to pray for me – and other things. And, they have formed a Bible Study and have about 11 coming. They have three Bibles among them, so I must buy Bibles when I go to Joburg this weekend. Two of the young men have been in our studies here and are quite capable to leading the studies.

Other good news is that we have been able to help the twins, Rosina and Elsie to go to college, their father will pay the fees, but they needed accommodation and food. Their mother died in December 5 days before Christmas and so the father doesn’t have her financial help to keep the girls in school. They are eager to learn to know Jesus. They knew about Genesis and Romans but did not know these books are part of the Bible.

Godfrey is not well – went to the doctor yesterday and is supposed to rest for two days. So, Thomas and I plan to take the Bible Study on the Tower of Babel. We have lots of languages to play with so it should be fun! Below is part of the Ambassador Bible Study group in Leseding which Godfrey leads. He is doing a great job in teaching and encouraging more youth to come and get involved!










I travelled to Joburg by bus on Friday. Cathie met me and we and Connie all visited Michaela and Jacque in hospital. She is beginning to pick up some weight. The doctor says she will be in hospital for quite a few more days, until she can suck hard enough to empty a bottle with 120 ml. Please keep praying for her.  She was born January 5 and is my great-granddaughter. Beautiful, isn’t she?

It’s Rachel’s 21st Birthday and the family are to see the play, “Singing in the Rain”. Cathie has booked us in the front rows so we can expect to get wet!

A Korean woman from the Netherlands is coming to do volunteer work in March. She will accompany me and help wherever needed. I look forward to her great assistance and the opportunity to minister to her.

My house needs the thatch roof repaired and I am planning to get it combed and a new layer of thatch on it very soon! That will be a mission.

I thank the Lord for the support that has come in which has made it possible to get the students into college and to help the kids with school clothes! God’s people are great because they serve a great God! Thank you for your part in providing!


In His service,

Marilyn Cook