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World Missions Headlines for February 17, 2016

Good morning! Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday February 16, 2016 on the missions network Please share the links below with people you know to be interested in world missions 

A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing. 


Even if you do not find a mission or missionary listed that you know, please take a moment to read and watch one or two; remember, these are “God stories.”

Daily Headlines / Links….

February 16, 2016
February 15, 2016
February 12, 2016
February 11, 2016
February 10, 2016

God really is in control!


On Monday, February 15, I posted the following on my Facebook page:
“Thought for my day – In the middle of all the “How can anyone vote for Trump,” “the GOP is playing politics,” “the Senate Democrats twice proposed blocking ANY GOP Presidential SCOTUS nominations,” “how will the country ever make it” worries – God is still sovereign & still on the throne! Ps 27:13-14 – God’s sovereign nature does not hinge upon things working out the way I think they should.”

Over the past several weeks, I had observed many politically oriented exchanges on the social media site. I seldom (really never) post a political opinion. Oh, I have very strong opinions, but I believe the nature of this ministry is more important than having my say. I also observed an increasing number of these exchanges becoming emotionally charged (politics and race tend to do that). 

After the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, I was saddened that the rhetoric quickly devolved into purely political terms. We all knew that politics would enter the conversation. How could it not, when the USA is so involved in the Presidential primary/caucus process? What was most disappointing was to hear some members of the U.S. Congress try to make their position sound above politics. I heard and read so many comments from people that sounded as if they believed the only solution for the “American dilemma” is solely the election of a singular political party.

I thought back to the afternoon and evening of Friday November 13, 2015.  I had arrived in the Kansas City area for a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Christian Churches Pension Plan. My wife and I were on the way to enjoy Oklahoma Joe’s Barbecue when we heard the terrible news from Paris of the terrorist attacks. We kept my car radio tuned into a news channel on Sirius Radio as we traveled. I watched most of the evening in our room the continuing reports. Events like those cause us to wonder sometimes whether or  not God is in control.
This Monday, I felt compelled to share with friends the reminder that I give to myself often…God’s control over the world does not hinge on events working out the way I think they should! A dear friend in Georgia responded to my Facebook post, “This is not the first time God has used you to remind me to “be still and know.” Thanks, Reggie!” It is not easy to remember God is in control, when the world seems to spin in what appears to us as the opposite direction, but He is in control nonetheless.
I wish I could tell you that I always am calm, cool and trusting in God. Many of you know me too well for me to get away with that. I am better than I was 40 years ago, and I hope to improve until Jesus tells me my time is up. I hope we will all get better at trusting God and demonstrating that trust. If so, God will shine that light into the dark world for many to find their way home to Him.  


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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