Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong

  • Praise God that the new Chinese booklet for evangelism are printed. All 2000 copies are almost gone! Reports coming back from China that even communist party members received copies of our booklets. Please pray that God will use them to speak to the minds and hearts of people.
  • The discipleship class started this month in Manchester Chinese Christian Church progresses nicely! Praise the Lord! They are learning how to study the Bible, manage time, keep a spiritual journal, nurture a Christian temperament, and plan an evangelistic meeting/activity (Easter). We also hope to engage in community service. Some class members are planning to attend the International Conference On Missions, “Disciples Making Disciples,” this November in Lexington!
  • The work in China continues. A team from Kansas will join me for couple weeks this fall to teach church leaders in the IBCC’s annual retreat. This year’s retreat will include eight courses (Feb-Dec 18). Thank God for our instructors and translators! The Nomad training team from Good News Production International will also train our Chinese Christians to produce quality lessons and stories for evangelism on video. This will be a big help on our Cross Space Networks 4 Christ ministries. We are going to start with five teams: Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Guangzhou, Jinjiang and Guizhou. The Fairview Park Christian Church in Hong Kong may start a team as well.
  • The Lord is sending us a wonderful co-worker, Hannah Guan, who will graduate from Southern New Hampshire University in May. She is a very dedicated Chinese Christian and a gifted artist. She is receiving training in my discipleship class. She will be helping my ministries both in U.S.A. and China, and will be helping RHM on graphic designs.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH

  • Pray for our congregation to have the same mind to become God’s servant here, and beyond.
  • Pray for new insights or new ways to reach the community here.
  • Pray for the recovery of Sister Cheng who is 95 years old and fell during the Christmas holiday.
  • Wing Wong has started a leadership training class and several have joined it. Pray for their growth and for them to bring a positive influence to the congregation.
  • Pray that God will uplift the youth ministry and will open doors to reach more students through the college ministry.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA

  • Please continue to pray for our plans for the new year of 2016 to reach out to the Cambodian community in Lowell, MA. Pray that our church family will have a growing heart for the mission and continue to serve more.
  • Pray for a Cambodian woman named Sivutha who moved here to work with us from Canada. She has accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior and moved here leaving her two adult children back in Canada. Pray for her during this transitional move away from her family.
  • Please pray especially for our women’s small group ministry as they begin to meet and plan out the year together.
  • Pray for a better meeting place for the church. Restrictions and demands from the landlord are getting more difficult, plus easier access would be more inviting to guests (currently meeting in a church basement).


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Pray for Preacher Moon’s wife, Miyounghui who began her new job as a mental health worker at a hospital in Concord, NH. It is a challenge for her and the English terms often prove difficult to understand.
  • Praise God for Junghyun’s faith in wanting the Lord Jesus in her life as she’s been attending our church and Young Adult Bible Study Group. The Lord has been working in her heart these many months. She desires to be baptized on Sunday, Jan 31st.
  • Pray for Kei Eun Chang as he and his family serve in Korea. Pray for his teaching at the Seoul Christian University.  Please pray for leadership and guidance from the Lord.
  • Pray for our church as we desire to raise up another deacon. Our leadership is currently recommending some members, so please pray for us during this process.
  • Pray for our Young Adult/College age Bible Study group as we have started on a new English video series: Focus on the Family’s “The Truth Project.” Pray that our ministry will be welcoming to other students as we invite them to join our study and events. Pray also for our Super Bowl party as we seek to build relationships with new students.
  • Pray for a new family, Yeli Shin and her son & daughter (Braydon & Teddy), as they have started visiting our church. Please pray for good health and that they will return to connect more with our church family after much illness.
  • Please pray for growth in our Compassion Ministry. It is important for our church to extend our giving to the poor and the needs of families around the world. Pray for more supportive sponsors and givers.
  • Pray for Preacher Moon’s health with his eyes. They go through periodic fever symptoms and cause him to experience lack of sight, pain, and irritation. Pray for his health during this winter season.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Thank God for those who participate in a meaningful way in the church and who bear fruit for Christ.
  • Pray for God’s guidance, strength, wisdom and the grace to focus on the Lord and His purpose for us.
  • Entreat God for the leaders and the members to submit to the Lord and to have the desire for a deeper relationship with God on a daily basis.
  • Ask the Father for effective evangelism and for real impact for the advancement of the kingdom.
  • Pray for all the ministry teams (women, men, children, evangelism, and follow up) to be alive and led by the Holy Spirit.
  • Entreat the Father for physical and spiritual health that will glorify Jesus in our midst.  Pray for the needs of God’s people (overdue monthly rent, insurance, jobs for those who lost theirs, and help with praise and worship personnel).

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
