Disciples making disciples







UGANDA Jesus said –  “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 
Sandie and I witnessed two of our disciples lead two others to Christ at Baptism in what CNN calls “ The worlds most dangerous lake” where 5,000 die annually. Emmanuel and Steven are our new brothers in Christ.  Special care was taken with Steven, he is the boy who had an operation on his skull last October.   ( scroll for more)…
Pray for these two young men and our two brothers David and James that have led them to Christ. 
There are now 2 church growths from our branch as we stay attached to the Living Vine, Jesus Christ. 
Pray for spiritual protection for our mission. We detect resistance in our region and need you, our faithful prayer warriors to step up. 
Pray for the young leaders that we are teaching, Especially as you wake on Saturday. We will be holding a leadership conference. 
Pray for HIV + patients that we are ministering to. Pray that we may be effective in helping connect them to the loving savior that died for them. 
Please share this with someone today.  





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