It is bittersweet for us to announce that SICOM Director, Jim Chamberlin, will be leaving the staff at ICOM to pursue a located ministry position.  We thank Jim for his 8 years of ministry with ICOM and wish him the best in the next phase of his ministry life!  Since 2007, Jim has played an important role in the transition of the ICOM office from Kansas to Indiana and was also present for the name change in 2011. He has also been key in finding new ways to integrate technology into the workplace, along with the updating of the conference with videos, graphics and pursuing efficiency in the office. 
From the ICOM Staff, Good luck Jim! You will be missed! 
ICOM will begin searching and accepting resume’s for a new Student Director.  This person will be responsible for (but not limited to):
  • All student programming
  • Administrating all children’s programming
  • Leading IT needs in the office on a daily basis
  • Managing content on the website
  • There will be some travel in this position
Other points of consideration are:
  • They will need to relocate to the west side of Indianapolis.
  • This person needs to have 10-15 years of youth ministry experience. We want this person to be respected among other youth ministers; it is crucial for the success of this position.
  • It is important that this person will have a combined experience of youth and/with missions.
  • This person must have a college degree, who can rightly communicate and articulate the beliefs of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.
  • Key qualities we are looking for: very well organized, self starter, a good team player, takes initiative, recruiter, promoter, teachable, loyal.
Overall, we want and need someone who has a passion for both youth and missions! 

You can send resumé‘s to If you are selected, someone at ICOM will reach out to you to start an interview process. We will be accepting resume’s until February 28th so we can process the candidates and move toward selecting a SICOM Director.

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