LATM has already helped publish Christian books in heart languages you have not heard of. Our 2016 list of requested book projects has several that will have you going to Wikipedia or Ethnologue or further: Anung, Lachid, Lhaovoa, Naga, Ngochang, Shan, Zaiwa.


The Christians among the collective million-plus people who speak these languages will be able to use the books to encourage and build up one another, and to reach into their communities to tell the Gospel story. Although we might not know offhand where they live, we can appreciate the effect the books will have. Because books have encouraged us and built up our faith.


Besides the Bible, these are likely the only books these people groups will have. That fact gives greater importance to the projects, perhaps more than we can grasp. What if you only had a couple of books that help you in your Christian life? Only a couple of books to help you proclaim Jesus’ name? I imagine we would value those books more than all of the dozens or hundreds that we do have.


We enjoy being able to reach into little-known cultures through the books we help publish. Above the enjoyment, of course, is the knowledge that these crucial and effective books reach far and wide to increase the kingdom.


Doug Reed | Literature And Teaching Ministries |