A monthly update from Team Expansion
1 Minute Prayer 1
Join us! Pray along with this one-minute video.

21 Day Fast

In order to set the course for the entire year, our home office engaged in 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, from January 11 through January 31. We are excited to watch and pray as we see what happens in the next 11 months.

The purpose of this fast, to paraphrase Andrew Murray, was to deepen and confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves, to attain what we seek for God’s Kingdom. At the end of 2015, we set out goals for what we are seeking for 2016. As we combine prayer and fasting, we will see the Kingdom move forward.

Many People.
Three Dreams.

One Savior.

When several people in a remote, unreached village started having the same dreams, they knew something special was happening.

Read the story

Featured Opportunity

Sicily, Italy
There are 200,000 migrants and refugees waiting in Sicily. They’re having to stay there up to two years, waiting on paperwork from Italy to leave the island and head into other parts of Italy or the rest of Europe.

Almost no one is there to proclaim the Good News to them. We need teammates who will serve these displaced people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Ask God to guide Team Expansion and its partners as we begin a new year. Pray that this year will bring great glory to His Name.

Ask God to send dreams and visions to many men, women, and children. Pray that dreams of Jesus will cause families to seek the Truth of Christ’s salvation.

Pray for believers to go into Sicily and other refugee centers to bring the hope of Christ to the people waiting there. Ask that God’s name will be glorified mightily!

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Welcome to the first issue merging two existing publications, the Team Expansion NEWS and the Visionary newsletter. 

Fort Benning is a 182,000-acre US Army base straddling the Alabama-Georgia border. Military strategists refer to it as a “power projection platform,” meaning that it serves a vital role for our armed forces related to training, strategy, and staging the deployment of our global peacekeeping forces. Honestly, until my son deployed to Fort Benning, I had never thought about a piece of land as a part of a global military strategy. Military strategy involved army tanks, missiles and gunfire. But I came to appreciate the value of a training base like Fort Benning.  Thanks in to their imagination, determination, and wisdom, Fort Benning, and other power project platform components like it, have helped the USA create one of the greatest standing armies in the history of the world.

Ephesians 6:12 describes a spiritual struggle, not unlike an all-out military battle. “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Visionaries with great wisdom have urged church leaders and members of our day to create training venues on a SPIRITUAL basis with Fort-Benning-like power projection capability for the Kingdom of our Lord. In 2003, Team Expansion’s Leadership Task Force (i.e., our board of directors) began just that quest in earnest.

Today, Emerald Hills is active as a training base, offering a missionary candidate preparation school three times each year, as well as multiple other trainings, including prayer weekends, church missions mobilization courses, disciple making movement trainings and more. In addition, Emerald Hills houses Team Expansion’s International Services team, which scouts out unique new mission opportunities on a global scale, shepherds our 300 full-time missionaries in over 40 countries, and maintains Team Expansion’s status with federal and state governments.

We are thankful for those who invest in making Emerald Hills into a spiritual power projection platform for today and for the future. May God help Emerald Hills be a tool in accomplishing His will for good and for global Kingdom growth. And may He reign forever in the hearts of those who serve him both at Emerald Hills and around the globe.

Emerald Hills December Financial Report

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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