Lifeline Christian Mission
It’s because of the people…
There are no inconveniences or problems in the Kingdom of God. There are only opportunities for God to show His power!  
In the Navajo ministry, we have witnessed God surmounting obstacles that we couldn’t see around.  You stepped in to join Him and He moved mountains…typically in unexpected ways.  
And right now we’re staring at another mountain. 
Our Red Sands Christian Church, church offices, and library facility have been vacated because of building code issues.  
We are thankful that God has provided temporary solutions: our church is meeting in the Red Sands Christian School, the library structure will be demolished by a mission team in May, school programs are taking place at the First Baptist Church in Winslow, and the church offices are still waiting to be resolved.

We have no doubt that God is working behind the scenes, 
while all we see is mayhem.  
He knows the way around the mountain, and we know that you are part of that solution.  We’ve been blessed by your partnership, prayers, and donations in the past, so we humbly come before you with 2 requests:
Short term: Emergency church renovations 
Immediate action is needed to have a functioning building for our Red Sands Christian Church & School.  Our architects are working tirelessly to come up with the renovation drawings for the core of the church building to allow us to quickly take care of these ongoing problems, while our contractor in Phoenix is working closely to ensure this all comes together.  This portion of the building is also included in the overall master plan for the property, so investments here will help sustain the long term ministry.  Could your church take a special offering?  Could you personally give towards the renovations?  Every gift takes us one step closer to providing the school children and this body of believers a safe place to worship and grow.
Long term: Campus master plan
God planted a seed in our hearts, which has created dreams and a long term vision to minister to the Navajo. To get started, we need a master plan of the campus and building design (church & school).  We are grateful to those who have stepped up to ensure a long-term vision for this ministry; we’re halfway to the $20,000 needed to begin this process in February. The remaining $10,000 may seem insurmountable, but together we can exceed this goal.
Donate today
We don’t ask for the sake of a building; 
we bring this need to you on behalf of the Navajo people. 
They are a beautiful people who are searching for answers in all the wrong places.  You can help point them to The Way, The Truth, and The Life. 

Simply connect with Brian for more information.
Ministry highlights
preparing the new garden
Although it’s winter where you live, our garden is being planted!  Our new garden plot at the Grand Goave Children’s Home was recently plowed, as we prepare it for planting.  We want to provide food and teach responsibility to the children in the home!
Astrid lived at our Omoa Children’s Home for 9 years; she grew physically, emotionally, and spiritually, as she received Jesus as her Lord and Savior.   Recently, Astrid went back to live with her family; pray that she is a light who shares God’s love with them.
serving the church
Dozens of men & women volunteers have dug in to assist with the renovations of the new Grand Goave Christian Church: moving dirt, working with concrete, mixing mortar, carrying/laying block and many other tasks. They are excited about with the progress being made on their new facility! 
praises & prayers
  • In February, we will launch a new Bible Institute in Haiti at the Mahotierre campus to raise up a new generation of disciple-making, multiplication-minded leaders within the Haitian church. Please pray for wisdom, the needed funding/scholarships, and a sense of ownership among the Haitian churches.  Connect with Andy to learn more.
  • The women’s team has gone home, but the ripple effect of their ministry still lingers in Haiti: 10 children now have a sponsor, the sponsored children are enjoying the gifts you sent, children were prayed with, families now have new homes, and the Haitian women were encouraged 
  • Northern Hills Church (Alberta, Canada) celebrated 2 years of ministry on January 17! (Lifeline partnered with several organizations and churches to plant this church.)  Pray for the momentum coming out of their recent church retreat and their ministry to the community: the economy in Calgary is under stress with the falling oil prices and falling Canadian dollar.  
  • Seven of our ten poultry farmers are doing very well and we’re working with the others who have not be as successful. Please join us in prayer for all of our farmers. We are hoping to build additional coops when the coop building team comes back into our area. We’re ready to build three additional coops and have some new farmers waiting.

Prayer requests
  • Pray for the leadership seminar in Honduras next week.  For the first time, we are inviting the pastor’s wives & families to join us for a portion of the seminar to encourage these families in ministry, as well as to address the challenges ministry brings into the family dynamic.  Continue to pray for our Central American pastors, their marriages and their children.  
  • Please keep the Barb Cheeseman family in your prayers, as she recently passed away. The Cheeseman family has been part of Lifeline’s family for many years and her daughter, Debbie, is one of our volunteer receptionists.
  • Keep Okolona Christian Church (Kentucky) in your prayers as they prepare for their upcoming Child Sponsorship Drive.  We pray that many Honduran children will be connected with new sponsors!
  • Mission team members from Jamestown Church of Christ (Ohio), Hosack St. Baptist Church (Ohio), and Gates Community Church of Christ (Oregon) will soon embark on an unforgettable journey to be Jesus’ hands and feet to the people in Haiti.  Pray for the team and their ministry efforts.  
Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363