Imagine a future in which new churches are flourishing in major cities all around the globe!

Planting churchers in global cities


When Orchard Group was started in 1948, only two cities – New York and London – had populations of over 10 million.  Today, there are 25 global cities with populations ranging from 10 million to more than 30 million. We want to see the gospel grow where people are living!  The time is now for Christian communities to be planted in the centers of the rapidly growing cities of the world.  We need your support to see this vision realized. 

Will you join us?

Visit our website, watch the video, and find out how you can get involved! 

Global Cities Video
Church Planting Leaders

Our January church planter’s retreat is an excellent time of encouragement and support.  These leaders are working in challenging cities throughout the United States and in global cities like Cape Town, South Africa.  If you know one of these faces, pray for continued strength, joy in the work, and new disciples of Jesus through their ministries!


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Orchard Group
928 Broadway Suite 404, New York, NY 10010