Lifeline Christian Mission
This is not about me. 

This is about a people I love, 
bringing awareness to their beauty and dignity to their culture. 

It’s about sharing love with them, 
knowing we aren’t coming here to fix all of Haiti’s problems but to walk alongside them and say we see you, we hear you, we love you. 
It’s about teaching, training and discipling, restoring hope…
and sometimes, even most of the time, they are the ones teaching us. 

I share these photos with you not to puff myself up but to challenge you to walk alongside me and Lifeline, to do what we can. Sometimes doing what we can is the easy thing to do. 
Doing what’s difficult is what God wants you to do. 
Loving, giving and caring doesn’t have to just happen in Haiti…it should be happening everywhere! If we all did our share…would this world be a different place? I think…YES!
as posted by Audra, Lifeline’s Sponsorship Development Director, 
as she serves in Haiti with the women’s mission team
Ministry highlights
Key Club
United States
A big thank you to the Westerville South High School Key Club! This group recently volunteered at the Lifeline office to clean and sort donated eye glasses that will be distributed in Haiti through Lifeline’s eye clinic. Your work is greatly appreciated!
Grand Goave Christian Church renovations
Our Grand Goave Christian Church renovations are coming along! It’s now under roof and in full use, although there’s still more to do: the floors need replaced and some walls need to be built. After the building is complete, we’ll then need to replace the church offices.
tutoring kids in the community
Our older girls at the Omoa Children’s Home are giving back: during their school vacation, these young ladies help with a tutoring program at the Omoa Christian Church where 30+ kids from the community are tutored in Math and Spanish everyday.
serving in Haiti
Our first mission trip of 2016 kicked off this week with the women’s team to Haiti. They are blessing the Haitian women with encouragement and the children with your sponsored gifts. Thank you, ladies, for sharing God’s love by being the hands and feet of Jesus!
praises & prayers
  • Your generosity is overflowing to bless families in Haiti: this week you gave donations to construct 7 more homes; 6 of those were funded by a special offering by First Christian Church (Canton, Ohio).  They expected to raise enough for 2 homes and ended up raising over $29,000!
  • You are also generous with your time: 31 churches and organizations are already on the food packing schedule for 2016!  Is your group/church listed?  If not, then join the fun! 
  • We are thankful for our volunteer mission trip coordinators!  They are an amazing group who lead the teams in the mission field.  More couples are getting involved and will be training this mission trip season.
Prayer requests
  • The meals you pack are more than a bowl of food for the children and families…we pray that they catch a glimpse of God’s love through this simple meal.
  • Progress is being made to improve our efficiency and reduce costs, both with field and stateside operations. At times, this requires additional training and can be stressful for all who are involved. Your prayers are needed; please keep praying for all our staff.
  • Pray for Christi Dimbath, Lifeline’s Mission Trip Director, and the Lifeline staff in Haiti who are leading the women’s team.
it's all for the kids
Ralphedere (pictured above) is our newest and youngest child who was just placed in our Grand Goave Children’s Home: his mother had a mental breakdown and his father abandoned them years ago. Because you helped build this new children’s home, Ralphedere has loving house parents and a warm, safe place to call home.
But this isn’t the final chapter; his story is just beginning…
Ralphedere needs sponsors.  The kids at the children’s home are provided all the basic necessities of life – a warm bed, nutritious food, shoes & clothing, a church home, and a Christian education – but he still needs sponsors to love him, to share Jesus with him, and to come alongside and encourage him. Since the kids receive care 24/7 at the children’s home, we need several sponsors to step up and fill that gap.
Will you stand in the gap with him?  
Would you consider being one of Ralphedere’s sponsors?  Could you share this with a friend who can close that gap?  Simply email Lukas to learn more.
Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope
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