
A Message from India

It has been reported that Charles Finney, native missionary in Chennai, India was murdered last Friday, January 8th.   It appears two boys from the orphanage he had begun are being held in custody for this crime which is still under investigation.   Charles came to ICOM in Atlanta in 2011 and has been to ICOM since then, including Richmond last year.  Our prayers are with him and his family.
We also received notice from the Missions Network, that John Spratt, long-term missionary in Honduras passed away this morning, Jan. 15. We hope to get more details about this soon.
2016 ICOM Hotel Page – Live January 19th! 

These are the hotels for 2016:
  • Hyatt Regency Hotel – attached to the Lexington Convention Center
  • Hilton Hotel – across the street but connected by skywalk to the LCC/Hyatt
  • Campbell House – affiliated with the Crowne Plaza. This hotel is 1.7 miles from the LCC, on the shuttle route.
  • Inn at Broadway – located beside the Campbell House, on the shuttle route.
  • Holiday Inn Express – located between the Campbell House and the Hyatt, on the shuttle route.
Attention Foreign Field Missionaries! 
You might qualify for staying at the Hampton Inn Hotel in Winchester, KY, which is 22 miles east on I-64.  This applies to the first 50 foreign field serving missionaries for Wednesday through Saturday nights.  Any other nights will be at the normal rates.  This hotel also offers:
  • free parking
  • free breakfast
  • free reception/dinner from 7:00 to 9:30 pm
  • free internet
These rooms must be reserved through the ICOM office! Please email Emily@theicom.org or Kelsey@theicom.org & request a housing form to see the qualifications!
ICOM Office Phones
If you tried to call us the last 2 weeks, our office phone system was not working.  They are now back up and running!  We still have an issue with our FAX line (#2467).  Our phone company is working on it still.  We apologize for any convenience. If you have something that you need to get to us, if you could scan it in and send it in an email, that would be the best alternative at this point. 
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