The gift of life, water, was given to us!







Praise God for wells #7 and #8 are complete and giving water to over a thousand!
Praise God for the teams safety while putting the wells in!
Here are some of the testimonies:
“My name is Stanley, I am 58 years old, and I am married to Salome. God has blessed us with eight children, six girls and two boys. All of our children are married and live with their own families. I was born in this village, but during the political unrest in South Sudan I went to a Refugee Transit Camp in Uganda. I came back to resettle in South Sudan after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006. I get water for drinking, cooking and bathing from a hand dug well, but the water gets contaminated by animals because it is open. The community and I prayed for hope and that one day we will get clean water. Our prayers were answered by God and the gift of life, water, was given to us.  Blessings to the donor.

“My name is Susan, I am 42 years old and married to my lovely husband, James. God has blessed us with four children, one girl and three boys. During the civil war in South Sudan I fled to Uganda to a refugee camp . I came back to resettle in South Sudan in 2006. I get water for drinking, cooking and bathing from a hand dug well. During rainy season the water in the well gets contaminated with runoff water. I want to extend my sincere thanks to the donor for freely donating a well to this village. This community will not forget the donor for generations. God bless the hands that gave me clean water. I am happy.”

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