Re-Grand Opening in Barbados

     This weekend we welcomed several board members and friends, the local churches, our students, and staff to join us in the beginning of classes here.  We had several days of different activities to fellowship, pray over the campus, and ready the new college.  

     We were honored to have Bro Lance Brooks as our convocation banquet speaker.  He challenged the local churches and the college to work together to succeed in Kingdom work.  What a blessing the word he challenged us all with was!
     Long-term Board Members Charles and Betty Lyons presented founders plaques in honor of Bro Bob and Sis Jackie Muter and Bro Jeff and Sis Janie Robertson for beginning the college.
Prayers Please

     This week we received disheartening news. When one of our students from Dominica tried to travel to Barbados, they were denied due to the school’s registration status with the country.
     Previously we thought we would be able to have out of country students move in and start their classes. However, we will have to continue to wait patiently on the government to approve our registration in order to have students from other islands move in. All classes will still begin on Monday and will be open to any Barbadian students, both on-campus and evening classes. 
     Although a bit disappointed, we continue to trust that the Lord’s plan is perfect and look forward to seeing our other students move in soon. The Lord has been faithful to us in this move and we know He will be faithful throughout this process as we continue to wait on the government here. 
     Please pray for patience, for the registration to be completed and for classes to start off well with our Barbadian students. Would you also join us in praying for our students who are ready to be here but aren’t able to be? Thank you for your prayers the past year. We are excited to begin a New Year and new chapter in Barbados!


What a joy to have the Ruby Christian church, a local congregation here join us in a work day to ready the campus for students.  WISE is so pleased to partner with local congregations!
We are so thankful for those who helped give for us to have chickens to help produce eggs for the campus!  They have already begun laying!
These are dedicated students hungry to know more of the Word.  After working 8-10 hour days, they come to study the Bible for a 3 hour class in the evenings.
Please pray for our staff as they begin a new school year this week! We will be adding one other professor, Brother Stan Wohlenhaus in February.
WISE welcomes Bro Pearson Bend, a local pastor, as a full-time instructor at WISE.  We also welcome Bro Andy Nichols, from Ozark Christian College as he joins the teaching staff.  We know they will bring strong Biblical truth to our students.
Memorial Gifts

Clayton Grimstad…………….Wilma Grimstad

In Honor of Gift

Vic and Kay Brunner…………Sherman & Mavis Sack

If you are interested in giving a tax deductible gift, here are some things WISE would love to get:
  • Microwave                                                                                                           $300
  • Lawnmower (will have to be brought here)                                                         $3,000
  • 20 LED Light Fixtures (to help cut electrical costs) and Bulbs
  • 4 Shower heads
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 8098
Columbia, MO 65205