Lifeline Christian Mission
Thank you!
A new year; a new leader
As you may recall from our past emails, Lifeline’s leadership transition has been an ongoing process for several years.  
As one of the final steps, Ben Simms joined Lifeline’s staff on January 1 to lead Lifeline’s ministries.  Ben is no stranger to Lifeline: since experiencing his first Lifeline mission trip 21 years ago, Ben has been highly involved in various capacities.  
Feel free to drop him an email and join him in restoring hope among the nations.  Ben shares…
Thank you for continuing to be part of Lifeline; 
let’s continue the mission together!  

As we move through 2016, I know there will be challenges, and changes will come to allow the ministry be more effective and reach more for Christ.  But our mission stays the same: we are connecting you to the Great Commission.  Allowing you to serve and restore hope among the nations!  As a ministry, we will continue to express God’s love, make missionaries and advance the Kingdom.

Finally, I am honored to carry on what God started with Lifeline through our founders. I appreciate the Lifeline board giving me this opportunity and everyone who has supported me in my new role; I’m honored by your confidence and pray to live up to your hopes.  Also, thank you Doug Crozier and all the staff at The Solomon Foundation for your encouragement; it was a blessing to be part of your ministry!
Ben Simms
President & CEO

P.S. The greatest encouragement you can give is to connect with the ministry: How does that look?  Drop me an email at and we’ll engage you in your passion!
Ministry highlights
celebrating Christmas in Haiti
How do you celebrate Christmas at the Grand Goave Children’s Home?  With a homemade pizza party and a decorated tree!  Because of your generosity, these children spent Christmas in their newly constructed home — thank you!
celebration at Omoa Children's Home
The staff and girls at the Omoa Children’s Home, along with neighbors, friends, and family, celebrated 10 years of Lifeline’s ministry at Omoa.  Thank you for making this a warm, welcoming, and safe home for these girls who have experienced unspeakable tragedies in their short lives. 
praying in Haiti
All the staff at Grand Goave began 2016 by thanking God for His provision in 2015 and praying together for the new year.  It was an encouraging time; many staff were grateful and asked for this to become a monthly prayer event.
Do you remember Catocho (on left)?  Carlos (on right) ran into him at our Gonzales Christian Church!  Back in the day, Catocho drove Lifeline’s bus filled with mission teams and always had a smile on his face, a laugh to share, and a love for God that shone as bright as the stars!
Praises & prayer requests
  • In just a few days, Lifeline’s 2016 short-term mission trip season will begin.  We are excited to watch God move in these team member’s lives; He always amazes us!
  • If you’ve been to one of Lifeline’s ministry communities on a mission trip, then you’ve met some of our national staff in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Navajo ministry, and Canada.  They are dedicated, incredible servants of God!  We are thankful for their leadership and staff roles, as they oversee ministries, lead churches, educate children, maintain facilities, and more.
  • Two new Roots partners are joining us in 2016!  Curious how your church can build strong, deep roots?  Learn more.
  • Next week will be exciting for the children in Haiti for 2 reasons: 1) Many children will visit with their sponsors, who are part of the ladies work team and 2) thousands of children will be receiving gifts in the name of Jesus, which you sent for Christmas!

Prayer requests
  • Please pray for the Lifeline staff as they lead the upcoming women’s team.  Also pray for the ladies team, as they travel and serve in Haiti next week.
  • Crosspoint Christian Church (Florida) is hosting their first Child Sponsorship Drive and families will have the opportunity to begin a sponsorship relationship with a not-yet-sponsored child in Lifeline’s ministries.  Pray for these connections and new relationships that will bless the child and the sponsor.
  • As mentioned above, Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founders and former President and Chief Ministry Officer, have transitioned to working in advancement, while also assisting with some remaining transition items. Please keep them in your prayers, as they begin a new phase in their lives. Also, pray for Ben Simms as he leads the organization. This is an exciting time!
Gifts given to remember
Thank you for the gifts given in December honor of:
Linda Flowers, Dr. & Mrs. Brian Rekus, Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Doyle & Charlotte Hatfield, Jill Phillips, Connie Foust, Susan Thomas, Gloria Anderson, Robert Smith, Chet & Carol Hagel

Thank you for the gifts given in December in memory of:
William Lyons, Rob DeVoe, Darrel Shereck, Etta Howard
Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope