Dear far flung friends,

Greetings from Coffee Country where the Christmas season is still in full sway!

Sometimes we forget how different the area we live in is from that where most of you live.  The customs and traditions are quite different when it comes to celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ, although there are some similarities and the overwhelming commercialization of Christmas that is typical now in the US is also becoming a problem down here. In fact, when it comes to “Christmas decorations” (Christmas trees, fake snowmen, lights, etc) there have been specialized stores open since September, if not before!  But “The Season”  really kicks off with “La Noche De Las Velitas” (the night of the candles) as many Colombians call the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  In the Roman Catholic Marianist tradition, the Virgin Mary was immaculately conceived on December 8.  In Colombia, however, the REAL celebration is on the evening of December 7 when people put out candles in front of their homes in honor of the Virgin Mary and her mother.  Then on the 16th of December the “Novena” begins.  This is a celebration held by families, businesses and neighborhoods as well as Roman Catholic congregations in which each day from the 16th to the 24th they gather to recite the Rosary, sing Christmas Carols and usually have special treats and gifts for the children.  The entire month of December is seen by many as a special time of celebration and it goes on into January when the Feast of the Kings is celebrated on the 6th day of the month.

Often we feel like the Apostle Paul in Athens, when he said to the Athenians “I see you are very religious in every respect”.  Indeed, religiosity permeates many aspects of Colombian life.  Yet this religiosity does not lead to lives transformed by the Gospel message.  Indeed, most Colombians see no parallel between what the Roman Catholic Church preaches and their own personal lives.  The feasts and celebrations are but opportunities to party and engage in all kinds of self gratifying behavior for many if not most of the participants.  In fact, most people when asked are unable to say WHY they celebrate the immaculate conception (or any of the other religious  festivals) other than “it’s a family tradition”.

And thus our work  is cut out for us, to lead people to a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ and to not only a head knowledge of God’s Word but rather to a transforming renewal of their thought patterns as they learn to seek God’s will in their lives.  Is this not the challenge for Christians around the world? As the Apostle Paul wrote in chapter 12 of his letter to the Romans, “And do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may approve what is the good and well-pleasing and perfect will of God.”

December was busy for us.  Sheri taught until the middle of the month, finishing up the last level for a group of students.  Many of our people were traveling during this period and attendance was variable on Sundays.  We did take a few days off to visit Sheri’s folks at their property outside of Medellin.  It was good to get away from the noise and bustle of the city, spend time with family and enjoy the beauty of nature.  We had a special Christmas celebration with family, enjoyed some amazing fresh raspberries and other fruit and finally returned home on Christmas day.

We “saw the year out with a bang!” as several people from different families in the church came to our place for an evening of table games, food and fellowship.  Time passed quickly and it was with surprise we saw it was nearly midnight!  We gathered for a time of prayer as the end of the year drew near and then celebrated the New Year with a cherry cheese  cake.

We are happy to report that David Solliday is now out of the hospital and continuing his convalescence at home with his wife. Thank you to all who were praying with us for him.

As we look forward to the year ahead it is with anticipation as to what the Lord will be doing in and through us and the church here in Colombia.  Thank you for making it possible for us to live and work here.  Thank you for being part of our ministry!

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland


South American Christian Mission
“… to prepare the saints…”
Ephesians 4:12