Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong


Happy New Year and may God bless you to have another productive year bearing the fruit of righteousness for our Lord Jesus Christ! Thanks be to God and our Kingdom partners, 2015 has been a good year!  We have planted two new churches – one in Sichuan and one in Guizhou – with 132 baptisms. We translated and printed Jesus in 3 D written by a professor in Ozark Christian College and recruited him to teach for IBCC. We wrote an evangelistic booklet geared to reach the intellectual people in China. It will be printed in China by the end of 2015. Please pray that all will go well for the printing of this booklet since the government has been making frequent inspections of the print shop.  We also started another tutorial school in Sichuan to help the elementary, junior high and high school students and as an outreach to the community. Praise God that now our two tutorial schools are able to pay for their own expenses! Praise God that this year we are doing well financially that our year ends in the black!

Please pray for our plan and goals for 2016:

  •  Develop 5 NOMAD Teams (using today’s technology) for evangelism with the help of GNPI.
  •  Move one family to a strategic area for evangelism and church planting.
  •  Church plant in a Buddhist village in Anhui.
  •  Add 5 new courses to IBCC (Interactive Bible Correspondence Course) classes.
  •  Send two Christians from China to study at Boise Bible College to prepare for ministry.
  •  Disciple 4-5 Chinese Christians in Manchester NH.
  •  Write a workbook for new Christian growth.
  •  Translate Building Blocks for Bible Study to be one of our textbooks.
  •  More short programs on CSN4C (Cross Space Networks for Christ).
  •  Hire a full-time assistant stateside.



Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • Give thanks to God for all of His blessings for our church and ministries in 2015!
  • Pray for wisdom to minister to the congregation in 2016. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work on the hearts of the congregation so that we will have one mind and heart in worshipping and serving Him.
  • Pray for wisdom and opportunity in our college ministry in 2016. Pray for our Resident Minister and Youth Minister, Andrew Fross, to continue to build relationships with the Chinese students. Pray especially for Peter and Jason, two of our newest students who have visited our church. Pray that they will continue to attend our church and come to know the Lord.
  • Pray for our Youth kids to continue to seek after the Lord and grow in faith during this New Year. Last week we had a fun Youth Event at church where the students invited some of their friends. Pray for Eason’s friend Tyler, Brandon’s fiend Devin, and Olivia’s friend Emma who visited our church. Pray that God will work through our youth kids in their friendships and that we will be witnesses of the Good News to them.
  • Pray for peace and reconciliation in several families: Queenie Tse, Xueze Zhang, and Lily Yang.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA


  • Please continue to pray for our plans for the new year of 2016 to reach out to the Cambodian community in Lowell, MA. Pray that our church family will have a growing heart for the mission and continue to serve more.
  • Pray for our sister congregation Harbor of Hope Christian Church in North Chelmsford who are planning to plant a satellite congregation in Lowell this year. Many may remember that New Life originally met in the same building as Harbor when we started before they relocated to North Chelmsford. Their presence back in Lowell will provide a great encouragement to our members and enhanced opportunities for cooperation.
  • Please continue to pray for our multi-church gatherings. It has been a great year to meet and connect with so many other people from the community.
  • Praise God for our past Sunday worship service! We had forty people come and visit our church, many of them for the first time. Pray for our follow up with those who visited and pray that they will desire to know Christ. Pray for God to enter the hearts of the Cambodians within our community.
  • Pray for Bophany who has been an active member in our church for a couple of years. Her husband Seng Prum has not attended with her. He has been very sick recently.   Pray that God will be made known to Seng Prum during this time of need and heal him of this sickness. Pray that they will continue to see God’s blessings in their life.
  • Pray for our home Bible Study group gatherings. Pray for wisdom and guidance in the conversations we have with those coming. Pray that many will desire to have new faith in Christ.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH


  • Praise God for a new young family who started coming to our church. Pray that Yeli Shin with her son Brayden and daughter Teddy will continue to come to our church and decide to become committed followers of Christ.
  • Pray for a new young couple getting married on Jan 9th in Maine. They are now living in Dover and they visited our church for the first time last week. The groom is Kim Gyeon Hwan and his fiancée is an American woman named Lindsey. Pray for them to continually attend our church and eventually desire to become active members in our church family.
  • Pray for our Young Adults as they begin their new year of studies. Our group Bible study will resume on Jan 9th. Pray for their continued growth in the Lord and that more Korean students will be interested in joining our group studies. Pray for Jughyun’s faith to grow in the Lord. Pray that God will move her heart to have a desire to be reborn.
  • Keep praying for our church family to remain unified, encouraged, and reconciled with one another. Pray that our faith, forgiveness, and ministry will continue to grow in this New Year.
  • Pray for our Compassion Ministry as it grows with more people sponsoring families in other countries. Pray that God will use this giving as a powerful way for the Gospel to reach those who don’t know Jesus.
  • Pray for our small group ministry to meet more regularly to pray and have fellowship.
  • Pray for preacher Chang as he and his family serve in Korea. Pray for his teaching at the Seoul National University.
  • Please continue to pray for Preacher Moon to have courageous teaching and preaching. Pray for his ministry with our church to continue to prosper and grow. Pray for his health with his eyes as they have been giving him a lot of pain lately.
  • Pray for Preacher Moon’s wife, Myoung Hui, as she begins her training next month at a Mental Health Hospital in Concord, NH. Pray that her training as a mental health service worker will go well and for her transition into this new position.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI


  • Pray for God to raise up leaders who specialize in equipping others.
  • Pray for committed and faithful members who possess a willingness to pray, care, and share with those outside of Christ.
  • Pray for the spirit of giving to increase among our members while increasing their ability to give financially by steady employment.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
