A monthly update from Team Expansion

The Christmas Paradox

“Christmas is a beautiful paradox between the ordinary and the decidedly, supernaturally extraordinary. It’s the combination of man’s unending frailty and God’s immeasurable strength. It’s the marriage of broken humanity and magnificent holiness.”

Read more

Ordinary People

“Sometimes I buy into the lie that someone should look, act, or be a certain way, as though that were evidence of God’s work in their lives. Sometimes I believe that lie about myself, too.”

Read About God Using Ordinary People

Ordinary Moments

“I realized that this household had never heard the story before. Their understanding of Christmas, in that very moment, was pure and simple: Christmas meant Jesus. I felt a tinge of jealousy.”

Read About One Ordinary Moment

Featured Opportunity

We are in immediate need for the following missionary health care professionals with middle- (3yrs) to long term perspective (5+ yrs) and moderate former professional experience (2-3yrs min)

– Ophthalmologist / Optometrist
– OR nurse
– Nursing trainer / teacher
– GP / Family doctor / Internist
– Hospital administrator
– Lab technician
– X-ray technician
– Gastroenterologist / Endoscopist

If you are interested in this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Christmas produces unique conversations for Team Expansion workers around the world to talk about Jesus in a non-threatening way. Pray for boldness, opportunity, and receptive hearts.

Pray for missionaries and their extended families they leave behind, as the holidays are an especially difficult time to be separated by continents.

Praise God for another great year as He used ordinary people to accomplish His purposes!

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

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Team Expansion exists to transform communities among the unreached by planting Biblical churches.
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