Globalscope is designed to transform the world’s university students through authentic and relevant campus ministry. This newsletter highlights the work of our international campus ministers, Globalscope campus house activities, service projects in the communities and one-on-one relationships that are changing a generation.

God has been taking care of us!

Young family launches new ministry in Uruguay


Chileans David, Claudia and Emma Ossa just moved to Montevideo, Uruguay, to launch a new Globalscope campus ministry.

In September, David and Claudia were the first to arrive on the brand new field in Uruguay, but it’s not the first time the couple has broken new ground in ministry.

The Ossas, who met in church in Chile as kids, were also the first married national couple to work with the El Oasis campus ministry in Santiago, Chile. They became involved in the ministry during their college years, serving as student leaders. After graduating with a degree in engineering, David joined the staff, and Claudia followed when she finished her nursing degree in 2010.

With all of this ministry experience, the Ossas were a perfect fit to launch our new campus work in Montevideo, Uruguay, and moved to the city with their daughter this fall.

“To be the first on a new field has been great,” said David. “Within the last four years we have moved five times in three different countries, so the fact that we have a long-term commitment to work in Montevideo makes us feel as if we can finally settle down.

“At first we were a little afraid of not knowing many people in Uruguay and how things such as getting a home to rent and doing legal paperwork would look, but we have been amazed by God’s love and care for us,” added David. “He put the nicest people in place to help us get everything done without major problems. We really feel as if God has been taking care of us.”

Planning for ministry

While the Ossas have so far mainly focused on settling in – they moved with just their luggage so they’ve had the challenging adventure of setting up a new home in a whole new country – they are also taking the initial steps to begin their ministry to university students.

“We have been meeting other missionaries here to see what God has already been doing in Montevideo,” said David. “By doing this, we can better understand how this Globalscope ministry can contribute to that.”

The Ossas were excited to welcome new teammate Carmie Cuda just a few weeks ago. Now David, Claudia, and Carmie specifically request your prayers for their three team members who are still raising support so they can join them as soon as possible. They hope to have everyone else in Uruguay by March when the new school year begins.

“Uruguay is the most secularized country in South America,” David said. “Young people are very apathetic and distrustful toward organized religions, so please pray that we will be able to share the Gospel in ways that can open students’ minds and hearts.”

If you would like to support a member of the new Globalscope team in Uruguay because you care about the young people who will be the future leaders of our world, please go here.

El Pozo students serve!

Visits to home for elderly are rewarding 


Students in the El Pozo campus ministry in Puebla, Mexico, are stepping outside the “university bubble” this semester by volunteering at a home for the indigent elderly in the community, reports team leader Kami Burns Reed.

“We started visiting Vivir de Amor this semester as part of our efforts to increase our community involvement,” said Kami. “We have taken 15 students there so far, and three students have started volunteering outside of our biweekly visit.”

Kami and the students are really enjoying the interaction with the residents of the home.

“They are so grateful for the time we spend with them, talking and hearing stories from their lives,” she said. “The residents of this home were previously homeless. Many of them grew up in orphanages and now have no family to care for them, so they are blessed to have this place to live instead of begging in the street.”

Service projects have become one of the most effective ways for El Pozo to reach out to new students, Kami notes.

“We see serving in our community as a way to live out the message of Jesus with students who might not be interested in attending an event at the campus house,” she said. “And it’s so rewarding for them to step outside that ‘university bubble,’ where they spend most of their time, and serve others.”

Finding truth

El Oasis fosters community on retreat


A former bodyguard in the Colombian narcotics trafficking business, now a Christian pastor, was the guest speaker at the El Oasiscampus ministry’s annual retreat in October.

“We loaded up two buses with students and went to Pintue, a town outside Santiago, for our annual ‘Retreat of the Sexes,’ ” said campus minister Philip Linkous. “We invited a Colombian couple, Julian and Eliana, who now pastor a church in Temuco, Chile, to serve as our retreat speakers.”

Julian became a Christian while in prison in Colombia for his violent involvement in the drug business.

“He has a powerful testimony,” said Philip. “He and Eliana spoke to the students about God’s original plan for them as men and women in a way that touched the hearts and emotions of many of the students.”

Creating space for God
Throughout the weekend the community bonded during the games, dance contest and the first-ever Olympic Games of the Sexes, which the girls won, reported Philip.

Retreats such as this one are invaluable opportunities to break the normal routine of the students’ weekly schedules and come together as a community.

“We escaped from the city for a weekend in order to create space and time for God to move in the hearts of the students,” said Philip. “On Sunday morning, as we ended the retreat, more than 20 students stood in response to the message of God’s love to affirm that they want to take steps in their faith walks and find their true identities as children of God through Jesus Christ.”

El Oasis wants to expand its ministry because there are so many students in Santiago who need God’s love. Go here to support the El Oasis “Insert Love Here” year-end giving opportunity!

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