Dear co-laborers in God’s Great Harvest,

Greetings from Coffee Country!

November, the month in which our hearts and minds turn towards gratitude – and this year we have a lot to be grateful for. November started off with a move to a “new” house for us.  We were able to rent a nice place in a much quieter part of Pereira where the constant roar of traffic does not intrude as often. The church blessed us by joining in on the move, carrying little things in their private vehicles and helping out where possible.  Now, a month later, we are still adjusting things and gradually unpacking and finding places for various items, but the change has been positive and we are looking forward to using this new place for the Lord’s work as well.  Already some of our neighbors have welcomed us to the neighborhood and we look forward to getting to know them and finding ways to serve them in the Lord.

We’ve been going through a series of studies on what it means to grow in Christ. Our prayer is that the church will continue  to grow and that each individual will produce fruit for God in their lives.

This month I was able to use the new motorcycle on my first long distance journey since our return. It was a real blessing!  1,209 km round trip, with a 12 hour ride being the return home.  I was tired, but not beat up like on the older, smaller bike.  Thank you to all of you who made this possible!  The trip was to meet with leaders in Bogotá to make arrangements for next February’s national convention and then to visit one of the congregations in the Eastern Plains region, one of the churches where Sheri spent her childhood.  The journey went well and I was able to encourage different leaders along the way.  I’m looking forward to visiting more of the churches over the coming year.

We are moving into what is a difficult time of year for many Christians here.  The end of the year means end of school year and many parties and celebrations at various levels. This means a lot of temptation for those who want to allow God to help them be transformed through the renewing of their minds.  Please pray with us as we encourage each one to live the new life in Christ and not turn once more to the deceptions of the world.

Thank you, to each of you who lift us up in prayer.  Thank you for being such a vital part of our ministry.  Thank you to each of you who has given financially so that we can continue to live and minister here.  We are grateful not just because this is the time of “Thanksgiving” but because you are always such an important part of our life and ministry.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland


South American Christian Mission
“… to prepare the saints…”
Ephesians 4:12