Appeal for YACC
The Philippines is a country of over 7,300 islands.  As a result travel is often long and sometimes expensive depending from where you start and where you plan to end up.  Efforts to unite these islands go on in various ways.  For our churches here in the Philippines often they can only fellowship among those on their specific island regularly so they plan gatherings or small conventions to bring together Christians from a wider geographical area in the Philippines.
Here in the central Philippines the young people conduct a Youth Annual Conference on the 26th of December through the 30thof December each year.  This is during the Christmas break and the weather is usually cooler and so is great for large gatherings and outdoor adventures, games as well as lessons, preaching and Christian music.  It is a good time for new young Christians to meet other youth of our churches since often the youth are the main driving force in most of our churches.  This is especially true of the smaller native churches which make up the lion’s share of our churches.
This year we would like to bring over to Iloilo a number of young people who are not able to pay the fares to our island from some of the other islands since we are one of the farthest spots from the additional islands which attend.   It will cost around $60 per round trip fares per person as some have to go quite a distance to even reach the boat.  The young people are prepared to pay the registration and other expenses but are having trouble with the fares back and forth.
Our goal is to ask our supporters like you to please help us raise the $600 goal we have set to assist these young people to attend this Youth Convention.  In the past we have been able to pay this but now that our support is down we cannot afford to do so in our regular monthly budget expenses. If you can help us please send your gift to our forwarding agent and we will put it to good use for this purpose.  The gathering is important to help young Christians and prospects to grow closer to Jesus and also to mold them to become stronger leaders of our churches in the future.  We do pray that God will help these types of gatherings to continue and we all know that great hope is being placed in the youth of today so that tomorrow (If Our Lord Tarries) will see a more evangelistic and Christ centered future.
Perhaps you can give a gift from your camp fund as this is the closest to Christian camping prevalent in the Philippines.  It is up to you but if you cannot help with a monetary gift please pray for this gathering as Prayer is as valuable as dollars and maybe doing both will add a double blessing for us all!
Thank you once again for your prayers and interest in the missionary activity of Carol and me through Pacific Rim Ministries.  We praise God for the way He takes care of us and know that this is partly because of your prayers and faith as well as encouragement through monthly support.  
I pray in this troubled world that all of us will realize that the “hope of the world is Jesus.”  Let us let God help us be part of the process that brings more Lost souls to our loving and caring Heavenly Father.
Serving the Lord with Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Joanne McKenzie
Pacific Rim Ministries
P.O. Box 344
Weston, Ohio 43569