Updates from Togo Christian Mission
  Date: November 23rd, 2015


International Conference on Missions



We (Dovene and Sara and Kids) were blessed this year to be able to attend and have a booth at ICOM (International Conference on Missions).  It was held right in Richmond, VA so close to where many of our supporters are based out of this year.  It was such an encouragement to catch up with many partners in ministry and even our parent organization, Outreach International.  We were able to attend the yearly board meeting while there and it was definitely awesome to hear what God is accomplishing around the world and share what He is doing in Togo.  


Another encouraging part of ICOM this year was being recognized for Church Planting.  VEF (Virginia Evangelizing Fellowship, now with a new name of Waypoint Church Partners) had a great vision for hosting ICOM this year in that they recognized one ministry in each continent that is planting churches.  We were chosen for Africa and they have given the ministry a grant to further our Church Planting process.  A huge thanks to Lake Christian Church for being the main sponsoring Church in this as well.  Their partnership has been a huge encouragement as we work to progress the kingdom in Togo.


We are very excited about this opportunity and our goal is not to plant one Church but to create disciples that will create more disciples, thus creating multiplying Churches.  We hope to use some of these funds for training for leaders to continue our discipleship movement in Togo.  We have seen God moving though this simple Church method and we are praying that He will continue to move and grow the Global Church through it.  


(Dovene receiving the check from Chris Long, the Lead Minister of Lake Christian Church during a main session at ICOM)


Restoration Farms

The work on the farm has begun!  We have started with the construction of a small building to be able to house workers out on the farm.  This construction process has been a bit of a challenge as we do not have access to water or electricity out on the farm site.  The workers have been having to haul water from a nearby stream for the cement work and collect water from a nearby village for drinking.  We are so thankful for Hammer who has been making many trips to and from the farm to oversee the work and make sure it has been completed successfully.


(Drawing water from a nearby stream for construction)


Please be in prayer with us as we are in the process of getting a well drilled in this area as well as hopefully have some solar panels installed to provide some electricity for lights, water pump for the well, etc.  


Once we are able to get the well drilled and set up it will help us to be able to start the goat farm on the farm land as well.  One room of the small building we are currently constructing will be used to house the caretaker for the goats.  Part of this construction was funded by supporters for the goat farm and God has graciously provided for us to extend out the building by two more rooms for additional workers. The goat farm will help us to be able to teach others about how to raise goats to support their families as well as provide income (or food) to go to support the Christian School.  We are very excited to see that we are so close to it starting.


(The finished workers building at Restoration Farms)


Restoration farms also includes a business that will be making donations to the mission to help support and help the ministry become self-supporting.  In order to begin the farm, we are in need of start up funds, however.  These funds are needed for things like the water pump, solar panels, supplies for planting pineapples and peanuts, labor for 3 workers for the first 2 years, and land preparation (manure, organic fertilizers, etc).    Our remaining need is $24,425.  Our original estimate was lower, but we now have included the cost of solar panels and their delivery to Togo now that we have an organization that will be able to partner with us in their installation.  We are thankful for those who have contributed to this already and we know we serve a big God who can provide the remaining cost as well.  If you are interested in giving towards this cause you can make checks payable to “Outreach International” and write “TCM-farm” in the memo.  The mailing address is below as well.  You may also donate on-line at our website but please be sure to designate “TCM-farm” in the note box when giving.


(Hammer out working hard to oversee the work at Restoration Farms!)


We are super excited to see how God is going to use this farm to build His kingdom.  The area has no local Churches and is a very unreached area for the kingdom.  It is our goal to create disciples while working to transform the community.

Connect with us!

Twitter:  tcmconnect






  • For the completion of the farm land building at Restoration Farms


  • For the safe arrival and safe travels thus far of Dovene, Sara, Nathan, and Hannah while in the US

  • For the Lord’s continued provision for the work in Togo

  • For the Vogan Church being challenged in making more disciples

  • New Partnerships beginning and lots of helpful advice on making disciples and even farming techniques







  • For the Christian School this year…that the Lord would guide the 230 students and protect them as they grow in Christ.  Please pray against any attack from Satan as they grow in Christ.

  • For spiritual fruit to grow and flourish in the midst of dark spiritual battles in many villages

  • For Hammer, Dela, and Brittany who are continuing the work in Togo while Dovene and Sara are in the US.  Pray God would continually renew their strength and encourage them.

  • For the Lord’s provision for the start up costs for Restoration Farms






To Support Togo Christian Mission:

Please send checks written out to “Outreach International” with “TCM” written in the memo.  If you have a specific project you would like to donate towards please be sure to include this as well.

Checks may be mailed to:

Outreach International
PO Box 272
Shelbyville, MO 63469