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Food for the Soul

Matt Brock, Director of Development


I’m not a fancy food guy. I’ll take a burger and fries over the latest culinary creation any day of the week. In fact, I’d classify myself as a “rut” eater. When I find something I like, I tend to stick with it. Don’t get me wrong, when I have the opportunity to try something new, I usually will. There’s just something reassuring about knowing what you’re going to get when you take that first bite…


Gaston’s Dream for Rwanda


Gaston Gakuba first began working with Africa Transformation Network (ATN) in 2008. ATN worked alongside Xtra Mile Ministries to reach out to survivors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Gaston connected with GNPI and became the leader of one of our Nomad Teams in 2011. 


Mike Schrage


In Swahili the word for blessing is “baraka.” I love how Kenyans attach a relational aspect to the word. In the States we generally consider blessings to be circumstances that go well for us. Yet, Kenyans use this word as it relates to relationships.



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