Are you at ICOM?

We’d love to see you! Find us at the Team Expansion booth (#240) or pray with us at the Wall of Unreached People in Virginia Hall.



Amadu and Edissa, from the Fulani tribe in Ghana, are experiencing the Gospel and learning how to share it with others in their tribe.

Already, the effect has multiplied.

Read their story

Sadness to Salvation

Graciana could only see her blinding pain when she first came to the church. Profound heartbreak left her depressed and hurting.

Then the Gospel changed everything.

Read Graciana’s Story

Featured Opportunity
Do you want to live in community and study the best methods and practices for effective church planting, all while being fully immersed in cross-cultural ministry here in the United States?

We are accepting participants for the next session of D-Course, a 24-week discipleship training experience.

If you are interested in this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Prayer Requests
Pray for all the participants at this year’s ICOM in Virginia. Ask God to equip, encourage, challenge, and grow churches and missionaries through this event.

Praise God for many who are experiencing love and grace and are being baptized and discipled. Pray that they will share with their communities, and that many will worship God.

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

New Website

We made major renovations to the Team Expansion website. Check it out and let us know what you think!
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Team Expansion exists to transform communities among the unreached by planting Biblical churches.
Copyright © 2015 Team Expansion, All rights reserved.