November 2015


Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong


  • Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support! We were able to fulfill the missions in China for the past four weeks traveling from Hong Kong to seven other provinces across the country. All went well as planned except one. A government registered church refrained from having me speak for their Sunday worship at the last minute for fear of the government authorities. So one of my students, who is a local evangelist, spoke on my behalf. On the whole trip, I preached ten times, taught in the IBCC retreat, meetings with church leaders in six provinces, and ate hot spicy food every day! And I survived!!! Praise the Lord!
  • Each year I have inserted some practical elements in our IBCC retreat. Last year, I took them to a couple villages for door to door and street evangelism. This year, I taught them how to organize and prepare an evangelistic meeting. We invited some local people to come for our evangelistic meeting and at the end, ten people came forward to show their desire to accept Jesus into their lives. Four were baptized that very afternoon and two followed the next day. I just received a message from one of my students and co-workers that two more were baptized after I left! Praise the Lord again!!!
  • We also checked on our works among children in the hospital in Beijing and our two youth centers in Sichuan. While we were in Beijing, I was able to meet with a Christian student leader in a university to talk about spreading the Gospel among the students in the university. He said if he were caught recruiting students to Jesus, he would be expelled from the school. However, he is majored in philosophy and the Holy Bible is one of his textbooks! The bad news – the university is going to close this graduate level program soon.
  • The hospital where we have been ministering to children who are suffering with cancer is no longer allowing us to use their activity room. The privilege was given to a social welfare group now instead. We could only visit them by their bedside with no more than two visitors in the room. We are looking for other options and are waiting on the Lord. Please pray for the children and our ministry with this hospital.
  • Some churches in China are facing bad doctrines from charismatic teachers from the USA. They have been telling people that Obama had ordered all people to have a microchip implanted in their bodies as a proof that he/she was one of the two beasts as described in Revelation 13. They put several video clips together out of context to prove their points to the non-English speaking Chinese. I had to go through the video bits by bits helping them to know the truth. Some had turned around, but some are still stuck to the fake tale! Another bad news was our newly planted house church in Guizhou had to suspend their worship services temporarily because of government pressure. Police have been coming almost every Sunday. Lastly, one of our churches in Guangdong has been taken over by termites and one of our churches in Jiangxi has lost some land to a neighbor who claimed a piece of it by cultivating vegetables. Please pray for these difficult situations.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH

  • Thank God for Brandy Lee’s safe journey to Taiwan and Hong Kong.
  • Pray for wisdom and opportunity to minister to the Chinese youth. With school and activities picking up for the Fall, it’s been difficult connecting with our young students.
  • As we are heading towards the end of the year, pray that we will make good use of the festivals to minister to the community.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA

  • Thank God that eight regional Cambodian churches are coming together for a Thanksgiving service on Saturday, November 21, at New Life’s meeting place. Pray that God will use this expression of unity and the invitations being distributed in area neighborhoods to move people towards Christ.
  • Pray for Veat Lee and Choun Tep who are considering baptism into Christ. Rinn met Mrs. Lee at the Asian Water Festival in Lowell. Rinn assisted her with citizenship and passport concerns. The church has also reached out to her husband, a Buddhist, through his heart surgery and in securing his disability support. Pray that God will use Veat’s baptism and the church’s love to open her husband’s heart to Christ.
  • Pray that God will remove barriers that keep Sivutha, a Cambodian woman who recently moved from Canada, from becoming a regular part of New Life. Rinn also assisted her in finding a job.
  • Thank God for the 7-10 people who regularly attend a Saturday morning Bible study hosted by three members of New Life. Pray that God will create similar groups within the community.
  • Continue to pray for Rinn’s neighbor, Phall, that she will come to Christ. She currently allows her child to attend services with Rinn and Nong.
  • Thank God for the example of Rinn’s father who taught him to be patient and faithful. Rinn’s dad was a hunter who also planted vegetable seeds as he hunted. So although the hunting was not always successful, in due time there was a vegetable harvest to provide for his family. Rinn personally knows the fear and superstition with which many Cambodians live. They seek gods of metal, copper, snails, and cow-spirits to protect, guide, and warn them. Pray that Rinn’s faithful planting of the Gospel will overcome their fears so that they can find true peace and freedom in Christ alone.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH

  • Pray for our missions team to be encouraged and challenged to take more action. We want to do more services to provide for the needs of people in our area such as thanksgiving meals and other planned outreach opportunities. Pray for wisdom and opportunity for our ministry team as we prepare to take more action to serve our community.
  • Praise God for Dena for returning safely from Korea with her newly adopted child. She has adopted a three-year-old girl from Korea. We thank God for His amazing work in making this all happen so smoothly. Pray for the whole family to lean on each other in love.
  • Pray for our College Student & Young Adult Ministry. Pray for one of our newest students, Junghyun Hyun and her mother who are still being introduced to Christ for the first time. Her father is Buddhist and doesn’t approve of them going to church. Please pray for him as well. Pray for Junghyun Hyun and her mother as they are in a difficult position. They are attending our church, but please continue to pray for her and her mother to be open to God’s love and for them to receive Jesus.
  • Please continue to pray for our older members who are working harder to come closer together in unity. Our foundation must always be in Christ Jesus. Pray for a unified church body.
  • Pray for our students who are at college. Pray that God will protect them from evil and sinful temptations. We pray for their faith to remain strong in the Lord.
  • Please continue to pray for Mr. Moon to have courageous teaching and preaching. Pray his ministry will help our church continue to prosper and grow. Please pray for his wife Myoung Hui as she is still searching for a job. She has submitted applications so please pray for her to be accepted for an interview.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Thank God that Mike, our current landlord, is being flexible with the church about moving. Ask God to guide us to a worship facility that best fits the needs of reaching our community.
  • Thank God that associate minister Peter Sarmie and Margaret are engaged!
  • Ask God to increase the church’s willingness to pray, care, and share with those outside of Christ.
  • Ask God to expand the members’ hearts for and ability to give financially.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
