Restoring hope among the nations!
L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity
Your talents = ministry impact
This past Saturday, Grinnell Christian Church (Grinnell, Iowa) hosted their 8th Annual Harvest of Talents.  (see photos below)  Audra, Lifeline’s Lovelink Development Coordinator, joined the fun and shared that “it was a privilege and blessing to witness so many use their God-given gifts and talents for a wonderful cause!”  At Harvest of Talents, talents are donated and sold by the body of Christ to raise money for Lifeline. Talents included crafts, baked goods, services (such as tree trimming or photography), woodworking, gift baskets, cooking, and activities for families to get involved in. 
This year, over $6500 was raised to benefit the construction of Lifeline’s new high school in Grand Goave, Haiti, as well as $4475 to build a home for a family through the First Fruits ministry of Harvest of Talents!
First Fruits involves the farmers in Grinnell to give of their “first fruits” during harvest, and these funds are dedicated to building homes for needy farmers in Haiti.  Grinnell farmer Mark & Nancy Hendrickson’s sponsored child will receive this home, as the child’s parents are farmers. 
Since the inception of Harvest of Talents 8 years ago, over $110,000 has been raised for Lifeline!  This event mobilizes the body of Christ to participate and give, allows the community to get involved, and brings awareness to some great needs.  Through Harvest of Talents, Grinnell Christian Church has blessed Lifeline with hurricane and earthquake relief, a truck, eye clinic equipment, a new playground for the Children’s home, funds towards the Children’s Home construction, 4 homes for farmers in Haiti, and funds for the new high school!  Many from GCC have traveled to Haiti to help see these come to fruition.  It comes full circle and all involved are blessed, thanks to God!

1 Corinthians talks of the many parts of the body of Christ.  Because God designed us to be different, we each have something special to offer.  Why not offer it back to Him?  GCC’s combined efforts are impacting hundreds, if not thousands, of lives in a place that some may never see firsthand, nor may never meet this side of heaven.  Thank you!

Harvest of Talents
A variety of items are sold at the Harvest of Talents.
Our own Audra (bottom left photo in jacket) visited the event last weekend.
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You can create an event like this at your church!
All it takes to organize your Harvest of Talents is a group leading the event, some time, people, and talents! To learn more about Harvest of Talents and how it could bless the families and children in Lifeline’s ministries, please contact  She will be happy to share how this idea can become a reality for your congregation.  
  • Happy Birthday Angie!  Angie is one of our girls at the Omoa Children’s Home and she just turned 12 years old!  Bob, Lifeline’s Founder, joined the celebration, too. Please join us as we praise God for her life and pray for this precious young lady.  We are especially thankful to you, our donors, who enable us to care for these girls and make special celebrations like this possible for these beautiful girls.
Happy Birthday Angie
Thank you for making birthday celebrations possible for these girls!
United States
  • Eastpointe Christian Church (Blacklick, OH) wrapped up a wonderful Child Sponsorship Drive with 16 children sponsored.  We are praising God for these new sponsors and blessings for the children involved! 
  • The totals are in!  The 2015 Hogs for Haiti ride, which traveled across parts of the US & Canada, raised over $20,740 for the ongoing operation of Lifeline’s Children’s Home in Haiti!  Thank you sponsors and donors!  We also appreciate the dedication of these motorcycle enthusiasts who are using their gifts and passion to bless the children in Haiti; they have raised over $65,000 the past 3 rides! Learn more.
Prayer requests
  • The International Conference on Missions is October 30 – November 1 in Richmond, Virginia; it’s a great place to connect and learn more about missions.  Pray for a great convention for all who are attending.  And if you’ll be there, visit us in the exhibit hall! 
  • Pray for Jose and Rosa Rodriguez’s upcoming trip to the U.S.  Jose is our Administrator in El Salvador and will be visiting, speaking, and meeting with various churches while in the U.S.
  • Keep the Lifeline staff in your prayers, as this is a busy travel season with many exciting events: work teams, speaking engagements, food packing events, child sponsorship events, and more. We are thankful for the opportunity to share Lifeline’s vision and to involve others in this ministry!
Gifts given to remember
Thank you for the donations given in memory of Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, by friends & family who have been touched by Rob’s life.
Thank you for the donations given in memory of Ruth Gabel, the mother of Karen Kennison (Lifeline’s Executive Assistant).
They are counting on you!
watch video
Upcoming events & opportunities
Sponsors: don’t forget the October gift deadline 
It’s time to send in gifts to your sponsored child! You’ll find helpful information at our websiteincluding gift suggestions and items available to purchase through Lifeline.  Don’t forget to review the packaging & mailing instructions, along with this video. 
Save your Box Tops!
Looking for a way to help the Navajo mission? Save your Box Tops and Campbell’s soup Labels for Education!  Simply send them via U.S. mail to Barb Snyder, Navajo Ministry Lovelink Field Coordinator at: 
Red Sands Christian School

229 State Route 99
HC 61 Box 25
Winslow AZ 86047

Israel tour
We’ll see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land. Join Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders, as they host the trip through Jerusalem Tours, International. Registration is now open for this unforgettable trip!
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations