San Raymundo, Guatemala
October 21th, 2015


Where do they go from here?
    Currently, Morning Glory Christian Academy functions as three schools under one dream and vision. The ministry of education in Guatemala dictates that Pre-Primary, Primary, and Secondary schools must be registered separately. Every school that has Kindergarten and 6th grade students holds a graduation even though the students stay at the campus. They are being promoted to the next level of education.
    Morning Glory is made up of the three educational levels mentioned above. At every graduation, our students and families have the option to part ways and go to other establishments, or continue with us to continue learning and growing at Morning Glory.  Some students, for varying reasons, decide to go elsewhere at the moment but our Secondary students have even more decisions to make because of the nature of the school that follows.  More than the directors of Morning Glory, the graduating classes of Secondary School has to answer the questions: “What next?….Where do we go from here?”
    In all of Guatemala, the next level of education after Secondary School is called Diversified School. True to it’s name, this is where a student can choose from various “tracks” to either become certified in a field or take the next step to university.  Many students will choose the certification tracks.  That route will lead them to being public accountants, bilingual secretaries, tour guides, and others occupations. Many schools that offer Diversified offer different tracks. If a San Raymundo student wants a track not offered in their community, they have to travel to Guatemala City or another, closer area to pursue the field they choose.
Half of the graduating 6th class of 2015
 If a student wants to pursue a University degree later on so they can enter into their desired field, they can choose a pre-university track in Diversified.  There are many options for students who choose this course of study. There are tracks like Pre-Medicine, Pre-Lawyer, Pre-Engineering, and many more that form a list too long to write out here.  Upon graduation from these tracks, students are ready to enter the University, whether it be public or private.
    Of course, Lori won’t settle for anything but the very best possible. Morning Glory already has approval to open up Diversified school.  You may ask “so what are you waiting for?”  Well, Lori is looking at every angle to see how to make it work.  We have two main needs. We need space to put new classrooms.  Then, we need a bigger budget.  More specialized education means we need more specialized teachers.  We know God will move when He is ready, and we will have Diversified when its the best moment possible.  We hope you’ll be praying with us that God will give His provision and timing.  The dream is one day opening Morning Glory University.  When we hear “Where to they go from here?”  We want to say: “They will go where God guides them.  They are fully educated and equipped.”  Pray for that moment.
A note from Herb:
We appreciate all of the gifts that have been sent for Lori’s medical bills and other special designations. However, we still have a problem we need to share with you. The wire sent for October’s budget was short. I was only able to send half the money needed ($8,000 out of $16,000). The teachers pictured above have worked hard all year, investing in our students and surrounding Lori with the help and support she needs. They depend on 100% of the budget to be able to take care of their families and pursue their own Morning Glory Stories. We ask you to give by clicking on the box below to help us fulfill our commitment to the locals that keep Morning Glory going and to help us to be good stewards of the task God has charged us with.
Prayers! Pray for God’s provision for Morning Glory as an organization but also for each member of the team personally. Pray for safety and protection for our students in their vacations.  Pray for rest and revitalization for the students and teachers in the break. Pray that God will guide the students as they make decisions for next year.
Praises! We thank God that Lori was able to come to see the Pre-School graduation. We praise God for the opportunity to invest in each and every graduate of Morning Glory for 2015.  We thank God for the donations and sponsorships from the Travis Manion Foundation.
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2015 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.