CMF International News


Nairobi pastors travel to Austria for ministry training


Posted: 13 Oct 2015 07:29 AM PDT


Two pastors with Missions of Hope Outreach churches in Nairobi, Kenya, made the long trip to TCM International Institute in Vienna, Austria, to take advanced ministry classes, thanks to support from Bright Christian Church, Lawrenceburg, Ind.


Fanuel Lipapu and Clinton Ikanga, evangelists with Hope Outreach churches in Nairobi, Kenya, take their first leadership class at TCM in Vienna, Austria.

Fanuel Opisa Lipapu, pastor of Huruma Outreach Hope Church and Clinton Ikanga, pastor at Joska Sunshine Outreach Hope Church and a Spiritual Officer at Joska Schools, were selected for the training by CMF International Consultant Dick Alexander and MOHI Directors Wallace and Mary Kamau. Pastor Fanuel already has a BA in Biblical Studies and is working on his Master’s degree.


The two men were most recently in Vienna for a 10-day Transformation Leadership course, where they were the only Africans in the group of students. They are now taking a Research Methods course online.


“The length of the program is four years,” said Fanuel Lipapu. “We plan to do a combination of online courses and on-site courses in Austria, depending on the availability of tuition funding.”


The men are excited about the potential to become more effective in the service of God as they receive more advanced educations.


“After taking the Transforming Leadership course, I implemented a lot of changes in my church to put what I’m learning into practice,” said Fanuel. “I want to train up additional leaders to advance the Gospel and plant churches in other areas with leaders that I have trained.”