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Topping It Off

Praise the Lord with us as we celebrate a ministry milestone! Since 2012, we have been working toward our goal of completing  The Global Gospel in the world’s top 25 languages. Thanks to God’s faithfulness and your generosity, all 25 of these languages are now fully funded and production is completed or in progress for all 25.  READ MORE

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• Finally
• Pray For Buddhists

• Click here to see all the blogs

Don’t Stay Silent


October is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Our NOMaD team in South Africa has created a compelling video about this heartbreaking issue. The challenge is to speak out now.

Seeing Growth in Kitale

Mike Schrage

I am sitting under a tin-roofed verandah in Kitale, Kenya. As I type, the birds are singing and roosters are crowing. The sights, sounds, and smells of Kitale bring very special memories to my mind. My family used to live, and serve, here as missionaries… 


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