Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    Fall 2015
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah 
& Analise 

Coming to a City Near You! 

 Here we come!  Eastern Dominican Christian Mission is ready to visit the USA and share testimonies of God’s grace and forgiveness.  Every year the Christian Church holds a missionary convention (International Conference on Missions) where thousands of missionaries gather to represent their missions and worship together. It is a wonderful event that all who attend enjoy.  

This year, the VandeLinde family will be representing EDCM at the convention (ICOM) and they will be
 joined by two of EDCM’s Dominican preachers: Franklin Francisco and Nahum Baltazar.  The VandeLinde family, Franklin and Nahum will be located at booths #602-604 in the convention
 center and would love to see you! So, make plans on

 attending ICOM and com


e see us!  



EDCM will also be visiting the following congregations while in the USA. Please make plans to see us!
October 18th: Cornerstone Christian Church
 O’Fallon, IL (visiting)

October 25th: Broadway Christian Church 
Mattoon, IL (preaching)

October 29-Nov. 1st: International Conference on Missions (Richmond, VA)

November 8th am: New Hope Christian Church Roanoke, VA (preaching)

November 8th pm: Penn Forest Christian Church Roanoke, VA (presentation)

Starfish Missions

We once again would like to thank Starfish Missions for partnering with us to help make a difference in hundreds of children’s lives!  Mike and Beth Searcy (Louisville, KY)

 founded Starfish Missions in 2007 with the goal of “making a difference, one child at a time.”  Since 2007, God has continued to bless Starfish Missions with the ability to provide basic school supplies (uniforms, shoes, belt, book bag, notebooks, pencils, etc…) for the children of EDCM’s ministry.  Mike Searcy brings a team of volunteers to the DR every August to personally take each and every child to the store where they are able to pick out their book bag, notebooks and uniforms.  In 2015, Starfish Missions blessed over 450 children and is truly making a difference here in the DR…one child at a time.   





Are you connected to Jesus?  That is the goal of our annual youth camp entitled, Conteda2 (Connected). We want our youth to “disconnect” from their cell phones, facebook and regular lives and “Connect” to Jesus. In July, we held our 2nd annual youth camp with guest speaker Josué Rojas and popular rap duo RL and Vanessa.  The theme this year was “Fix Your Eyes” as we encouraged the teens to fix their eyes on Jesus and nothing else. 

Conecta2 2015 was a huge success with a 45% growth in attendance!  Thanks to everyone who had a part of Conecta2, especial Danny Farris and Fairfield Christian Church, Fairfield, IL.








Website & Twitter

Check out our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.  
Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
EDCM Visits the USA
Connect with Us
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
Prayer Needs and Requests

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute



It’s soccer time!  That’s right, soccer has finally begun and it is so much fun! I am playing in a club called FCBEscola, which is a FC Barcelona children’s league. Just the other day we had our first game against the other Barcelona club from the capital and we beat them 9-5! I scored two goals and then played goalie for two quarters.  It was awesome! I love soccer and I am already better than my Dad! 

-Micah, 9 yrs. old 





Josiah’s Jot 





















Hey guys, it has been a fun summer. One of my favorite things to do is go to the beach and bury myself in the sand (see picture).  

 I also love catching little lizards. They are so fast! But if you chase them long enough they get tired and you can catch them. Just watch out for their little teeth, they bite!



-Josiah, 5 yrs. old 



  • La Romana Christian Church: a new generator. We use this generator as the main source of power for the entire church building. Approx. $2000 
  • Higuey Christian Church: a new generator. This is the primary source of power for the church building. Approx. $2000


  • US Trip: Visiting several churches
  • ICOM Conference
  • Punta Cana School
  • La Romana Church’s search for a new lead minister 


  • Franklin and Nahum have received their US Visas and will be attending ICOM this month
  • Punta Cana School is going very well and is a blessing to hundreds
  • Higuey construction will be finished within 2 weeks

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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Eastern Dominican Christian Mission


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