Building for the Storms
People like churches often have a different concept of proper preparation for disaster and danger.  For people in general the problem comes from the environment, weather, or just bad planning.  For Christians and the church the problems come from the Devil, worldly influences, and tepid faith. Jesus addresses the problems of churches made up of Christians in the letter of Revelation where five out of seven churches were scolded because of their flirting with the world and its distractions from the Bible. Some thought they were great because they were big but Jesus did not agree!
I have seen three types of construction in our travels to our churches in areas affected by typhoon Yolanda.  These were not damaged churches but damaged communities of people.   One village is being made of metal and tin and taking a very long time to build. It will not last a storm.  The second village we saw last week on our way back from our Bagacay church where Darryl was speaking on the Restoration Plea.  This village is being constructed of hardy flex closely connected small apartments. It will not last a stronger storm.  The village near us is being constructed using strong concrete blocks rendered in cement and tin roofs.  It should last most fierce storms accept tornadoes.   The units are connected to each other to make a strong series of rows of houses 1,400 in total. 
Churches are made strong by following the teachings of Jesus.  We are sharing this with groups and churches we visit and are asked to help.  We cannot help a lot financially because our support has fallen but we can still help with teaching, preaching and personal “hands on” contact and advice.  These churches are being encouraged by us not to build on structures written by men as they are only opinions and not Bible warrants.  Also to make a church user friendly at the expense of the Gospel commands of Jesus is to weaken our witness and faith.  Believing Faith is essential and this comes from deep prayer, sincere love for the lost, and dedication to the Gospel of Jesus.   We all need to embrace the messages to the seven churches in Revelation as these came after Jesus gave His command to go into the world.  They are His commands as well and He commands that “He who has an ear let him hear.” Jesus prepares us for any storm in life and gives us His Peace!  Mission involvement means applying His message in Revelation to our own church as well as encourages the missionaries we support to do the same.
Please pray for Kalibo Christian Church and Rey their preacher as he prepares for His wedding.  The church is going steady along and is helping reach the lost in that region of the island. We continue to support the church and preacher in Kalibo.
Please pray for Junior as he concludes his Bible training degree in March of 2016 and seeks a ministry that will be at the leading of the Lord.  Most of our preachers have to seek outside support in order to minister in the provinces.  We will help financially as well if we are able.
Please pray for Carol and me as we travel at the end of the month to Cebu on a missionary journey.   Please pray for our good health and safety in travel.
Please thank God with us for all our supporters and your prayers, gifts and encouragement. Missions for us are a lifelong journey.  Thank you for making this journey with us!
With Christian Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries
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Pacific Rim Ministries
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