Lifeline Christian Mission
Dear Friends,

As many of you know, we have a large warehouse in Ohio where gifts of non-monetary nature continually flow in for ministries in Haiti and Honduras.
We currently have enough relief-type goods (mostly clothing, shoes, and food items, such as powdered infant formula; see photos below) to fill at least two 40 foot containers with these donated ministry items.  These items are greatly needed in the mission fields for ministry to our communities; currently our pantries in Haiti are empty of shoes and clothing.
Would you consider funding or help fund the shipping of 2 containers to Haiti?  We need to raise $20,000 to ship these containers.  This would cover shipping and most of the customs clearance costs.
Even if you can’t give, would you pray?
Thank you so much and God bless!

Gretchen DeVoe,
Lifeline Co-founder
A full warehouse with many items ready to ship to Haiti!

a full warehouse of items to ship
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations