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Humbled and Honored

By Nenette Pacoli, regional director of GNPI-Philippines

I am humbled, honored that the Lord answered our prayers beyond what we asked or imagined and that you and other people find it worth your trouble to support our new series, Say It Forward... READ MORE

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Celebrating 20 Years!

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I Saw How God Works!

By Nenette Pacoli, regional director of GNPI-Philippines


Last month our pastor, my husband Bert, two staff members, and I traveled 10 hours to Naga. We were planning to show All Things New that night. [an elderly man] admits, “I said I wanted to go, but I thought, what! Film showing? What good would that do? I didn’t find that as exciting as a medical/dental mission or even other things we’ve done. But tonight I was moved, I saw how God works! I didn’t know that a film could have an impact like that.”

A Vision for Kenya!

By Mike Schrage


I recently visited GNPI-Africa in Nairobi to commemorate its 20th anniversary. Thanks to the vision of GNPI founder Ziden Nutt, combined with the vision of seven doctors in Indiana, the human and financial resources resulted in a media center offering social and spiritual lift to a large part of that continent. By faith these generous men gave when the exchange rate crashed by almost half in 1994.




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