
Greetings from India in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, here we are all fine and I hope you are also fine by the Grace of Jesus Christ. 

In July, our preachers and I had 16 baptisms and 12 persons accepted Jesus and they are ready to take baptism.  Some of the women that accepted Jesus are scared to get baptized because of retaliation from their husbands and family. Please pray for them.

In Periyavaram Church (newly constructed Church) we did one marriage on 25th July 2015(Mary- Bride name; Samson-Bride Groom name).  All the church members and their relatives happily participated in the marriage.
God did one great miracle while we are giving baptism.  Pastor Sunder Raj and I entered into water along with one believer to give baptism.  (This place is near to Periyavaram Church and we walked nearly 2 kilometers from Church, because of no water availability).  While we are giving baptism one snake entered into water and came near to us.  All the church members are seeing that snake and they did not inform us and kept silent because we were giving baptism.  That snake came near to us but didn’t do any harm.  After that we walked away from the water and then the church members told us about the snake.  Then we took a picture and after that the snake ran away from us.  Praise the Lord.  Our Lord Jesus Christ saved us.  Praise the Lord.

Our God’s Little Angels Orphanage children are all doing well.  One of our students, Rahel, completed her 10th class and she joined in college near to Varadiahpalem.  Please pray for her studies.

One of the students named, Rajya Lakshmi, is suffering with high fever and throat infection.  Please pray for her.  N Danama and Sujatha are also doing very well.

We are planning to construct baptism water tanks at four of our Church buildings.  And also we need to bore well at the Periyavaram Church building and fix the church’s power supply. Please pray for these requests.  And also please pray for my ministry.

Our preachers and coworkers are all doing well.  I am so thankful to each and every one those who are sending their valuable support to us. 

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