L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

church ministry
Summer camps ignite passion in youth
Summer camps & retreats provide a great experience for the youth to grow deeper and stretch their faith. These youth have been spiritually “pumped” by their experiences! 

“Sal y Luz” (Salt and Light) was the name of the girls’ camp this year. They had a fun weekend at the end of August where they learned to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. 24 girls, ages 8-12, from Omoa Children’s Home and an Ocotillo Christian Church Sunday school class attended the camp at CaryHill, which is Lifeline’s main campus in Honduras. The girls participated in dramas, had a scavenger hunt, played water games, made crafts, had fun with outdoor games, memorized Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven”, and listened to God’s Word.

It is a blessing to see these girls growing, knowing Christ, and being a light to the people around them.

Thank you for making activities like this possible!  Please continue praying for each one of the girls to treasure what they learned in their hearts so that as they grow up they can be a light to their communities and to Honduras.   

camp fun in Honduras
Camp fun in Honduras!

A few weeks ago, several sponsored children in Haiti were chosen on merit and age to go to a very special 10-day summer camp. The camp is located up in the north of Haiti at Cap Haitian (the site of the Citadel, which is one of the wonders of the world).  It took about 10 hours to travel there and most of these young people have never been very far outside of Port au Prince; this was an adventure of a lifetime!
The camp is spiritually oriented and is part of the Grand Goave Christian Church youth ministry. The young people participated in many activities: worship, praise, evangelism, fellowship, and service.  They also met other young people at the mission where they stayed.  Lifeline was able to help by sending food, peanut butter, etc. for them to go. 
Thank you for supporting these precious young people and for helping Lifeline bless so many in Christ’s name! Please continue to keep these youth who participated in the camp in your prayers: participants: Marie Samuele Bien-Aimé, Lanèse Charles, David Delmas, Louse Claude Darfeline Fevrier, Nathaella Fleché, James Fleurian, Troisylma Jean-Baptiste, Matania Bruno Jean-Paul, Alexander Nicolas Jeudi, Marie Christina Gassinovka Joseph, Kimberly Limage, Dency Volo.

  • Our leaders from Honduras, El Salvador, Panama and Guatemala are now in El Salvador for our Leadership Training Seminar. Pray that Andy Sims (Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director), Mark Miller (Executive Pastor, The Creek, Indianapolis, IN) and our leaders attending there are kept safe as God uses these two servants to instruct and enhance our leadership capability in Central America.

  • We praise God for the ministry and work of Brenda Johnson, volunteer team coordinator who led the Honduras work teams in 2015.   She loves the work and people in Honduras .  We are grateful for her as she volunteers her time and resources to the people and ministry in Honduras.

United States
  • Praises for all the email correspondence between sponsors and their children.  We are so thankful that our sponsors care so much for their children and like to keep in touch with them!
  • Praising God for the opportunities He is providing us to share about Lifeline and the Child Sponsorship Program with several churches this fall!  Thank you to those who have reached out and inquired about how to have a Sponsorship Drive at their church or event!  We are always looking for more…if you are interested in helping children find sponsors who will love and support them contact Audra@Lifeline.org!

Construction notes
Construction is going well in Grand Goave, Haiti and Tegucigalpa, Honduras!
  • Grand Goave Middle/High School (Haiti)
    The first two classrooms for 80 excited 7th graders are nearly finished! Praise the Lord! See photos below. However, we still need six more $3,000 “block course” contributions to build the rest of the walls. Will you help? Contact Bob@Lifeline.org. Thank you!  
  • Grand Goave Church (Haiti)
    A long time dream is becoming a reality! The last of the roof support columns will be completed this week. We’ll soon be building and erecting the roof trusses. (Note: The new church is being constructed on the same site as the old church.  After the new roof is placed on the concrete columns, the old roof underneath will be removed.) See photos below.
  • Living Hope Church (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
    It’s a big project and the 2nd floor is more than 50% complete! See photos below.  This work began prior to Lifeline’s involvement and the folks there are beyond pleased that it’s going so well. Stay tuned as a funding plan for the last phase of construction will soon be announced.

construction projects in Haiti and Honduras
Top row: Grand Goave school; Middle row: Grand Goave church; 
Last row: Living Hope church construction (left) and finished first floor (right)

  • Prayers for Joyce Krahel, who is the mother-in-law of Dana, our Volunteer Director.  Joyce has had a little set-back and is having memory issues and confusion again.  She is doing well with rehab for the one hip replacement, but still has another broken hip.  Please pray for her.
  • Please be in prayer for Grinnell Christian Church in Iowa as they are only one month away from Harvest of Talents!  They will be selling their talents to help raise money for the new Lifeline High School in Grand Goave!  Learn more about Harvest of Talents online and on Facebook

Financial concerns
  • The summer slow down is here.  We had a very good month of donations in July, but August and so far in September donations have been way low; we need your help! Please pray with us and, if you can, send funds to help us through this slump. Thank you.

gifts & donations
Change in donation list
Over the years, our Lifeline supporters have sent amazing quantities of much-needed, donated items for ministry in Haiti and Honduras. We are so thankful for you, our donors, and the items donated!
Due to continual changes that take place in shipping and importing of goods into Haiti and Honduras, it is necessary to re-evaluate the items we need and are able to import and use.
Some things that are donated simply can’t be used. Other items that could be used in the mission fields can no longer be imported or the cost is prohibitive.  Customs laws and processes seem to change faster than the weather!  Therefore, below is an updated list of what we do/don’t accept for shipping into Haiti or Honduras. 
Lifeline also welcomes and encourages monetary contributions to offset processing, shipping and customs clearance expenses; send to Lifeline’s main office or donate online.
YES List/What we do need and continue to accept:
  • Gifts for sponsored children (refer to the Gifting Policy and size limitations in the Lovelink Sponsor Packet sent to each new sponsor)
  • Extra gifts and toys for children (can come in any and all sizes; we’ll box them)
  • New shoes for children and adults (gently used shoes if they are in excellent condition)
  • Children’s clothing: new and used (in good condition)
  • Peanut butter (any size)
  • Powdered infant formula
  • Baby cereal and oats
  • Beans, pastas, and canned meats
  • New or gently used linens (twin sized bed sheet sets, towels, dish and wash cloths)
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Hygiene products (soaps, shampoos, toothpaste & toothbrushes, lotions, deodorant, perfume/cologne)
  • Toys for children
  • Over the counter medications (not expired) such as aspirin, vitamins, Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin, cough medicines, antacids, antibiotic creams, etc.
  • Dental supplies 
  • Plastic bags such as zip lock, grocery bags, etc.
NO List/What we do not need nor can we accept:
  • Hospital type medical supplies/surgical supplies
  • Expired medicines
  • Controlled substance medicines
  • Food that is expired
  • Clothing that is stained, torn or not appropriate attire
  • Old, odorous worn-out shoes
  • Used socks   
CALL AHEAD List/Things not listed here that we may or may not be able to accept and import:
  • Medicines
  • Medical supplies
  • Furniture
  • Equipment of any type
  • Used pill/medicine bottles 
  • Computers and accessories
  • Dental anesthesia
If you are a generous donor and have items to be given to Lifeline that are beyond this list, please first contact our office to determine if we can accept these items: call Dana at 614-794-0108 or email Dana@Lifeline.org.  Thank you for your generosity!

I’m Kris and I’m a missionary
watch video

Kris uses the gifts God’s given her to serve Him

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Upcoming events & opportunities

Serve at Lifeline
Do you have a welcoming smile, a cheerful voice, love to serve, and some free time during the day?  We have an opening for volunteer receptionists at our Westerville, Ohio office:

1st Tuesday of each month: 


Wednesdays: 1pm-5pm
Thursdays: 9am-1pm
Friday mornings: 9am-1pm
Flexible time: cover sick or vacation times

If you are interested in assisting with any or all of those times, please contact Dana at 614-794-0108 or Dana@Lifeline.org for additional information. 

Women’s work team
November 2-9, 2015
Ladies, you’ll share hope with the Honduran women and children when you join Lifeline’s Women’s Team to Honduras! You’ll distribute gifts to hundreds of sponsored children and minister to the ladies in Lifeline’s churches.  Contact Cathi@Lifeline.org or 614-794-0108 for additional information!

Israel tour
November 2-11, 2016
We’ll see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land.  Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders, will host the trip through Jerusalem Tours, International. Registration is now open to reserve your place on this unforgettable trip!
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations