San Raymundo, Guatemala
September 10th,  2015


Prayers! Pray for Guatemala while they choose a new presdient.  Pray that Lori continues her outstanding progress in her therapy. Click here to keep up with her! Pray for unity in the faculty and staff of Morning Glory. Pray that each teacher can grow in Christ to give better love and education to our students.
Praises!  We thank God for His protection during the elections in Guatemala.  We thank Him for His protection of Mara (lori’s helper in therapy) when someone tried to rob her. We thank God for every day we have to share with the students that attend our school.
Professor Ernesto Cojón is known by all the students as a very reliable Math teacher and driver of one of the Morning Glory buses.  The other teacher know him for his calm personality, sense of humor, and experience in working with students. Ernesto is the Math teacher for 2nd & 3rd year Secondary School.  He teaches the oldest students we have.  He also teaches a Geometrical Art class to all of Secondary School.  Even though he doesn’t talk much, we want to give you the chance to know a very valued member of our team.
“For me Prof. Ernesto is a great person.  With him I have learned what I can do.  Prof. Ernesto is a great person to me because he’s very understanding because when I doubt [myself] he gives advice.  When I can’t, he always helps me and when I call him over, he always comes to help me.”
– Angel Moscozo; 1st year Secondary School 

“Prof. Ernesto is a good person en whim you can trust. He is fun and he gives us advice about how we can do well in our other classes. What I also like is that he doesn’t just talk about his material. He gives us a short rest so we can relax and pay attention more.”
– Carmen Alvarez; 2nd year Secondary School

Q: How long have you worked at Morning Glory?

E: 11 years

Q: Have you always taught just Math?

E:  No.  I was a Primary School teacher (teaching all subjects).  When we opened Secondary School, I started teaching just Math.

Q:  Do you have any hobbies?

E:  A lot….watching TV, soccer, and riding motorcycles.


Q:  What’s the best part of your job?
E:  That I can share with adolescents and kids…..doing something I can and enjoy doing:  teaching classes.
Q: What’s the hardest part?

E:  Helping all the students understand the material.

Q:  Why is Math so hard for students?

E: It’s not that it’s hard.  It’s about the interest each student has in learning it.

Q:  What techniques do you use to make it easier for the students?

E: Constant repetition

“Profe Ernesto is a very good teacher. He helps us understand the class well and if we don’t understand he explains it to us. He is very patient with everyone and does whatever he can so that everyone can understand his class.”
– Anthony Porix; 3rd year Secondary School


“He always is a teacher that supports us in our classes.  He gives advice about how to be better in all our classes, not just his.  With that he helps us a lot.”
– Josue de Jesus Vargas Yoc; 2nd year Secondary School
Q: How have you grown personally and professionally in your time at Morning Glory?

E: Personally, I have grown a lot: every year that passes has taught me to act better every day with my peers and students.  Professionally, I have had to look for more books to study more!! Hahaha…so that I don’t get things wrong!

Q: If you could change one thing about the school, what would it be?

E:  The camaraderie.  I would like for us all to get along better.

Q: What do you want to see in the future of the school?

E:  I always want to see students ready to succeed. [I want to see] us expand the academic levels of our establishment up to the university level.

Q:  What are your dreams/goals for your life?

E:  Every beginning of the school year, I always think about how to finish it in the best way possible and continue helping the students so they can be good people.

We are very thankful for Ernesto and very proud of him for his service, help, and support of the students.  Thank you, Ernesto
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