CMF International News



Arizona team serves urban poor in Ecuador

Posted: 09 Sep 2015 05:29 AM PDT

When Eric Malave met Team Expansion missionaries Mike and Dani Bukta in Trujillo, Peru, in 2006, he didn’t realize it would lead to 19 trips to support their ministry in Ecuador and Peru over the next nine years.


This summer, Eric, founder of the Arizona-based non-profit “A Generous Life,” expanded his outreach by taking a team of 10 people to visit the Buktas and work in their mission in Santo Domingo, Ecuador. He was also accompanied by Chris Holohan from United Christian Youth Camp, Prescott, Arizona, whose organization raised funds for the trip and for projects in Ecuador.


visiting the elderly


First mission team

It was the first mission team to ever visit Project New Hope, the Buktas’ ministry in South America, and a CMF partner. Their goal is to give hope to the suffering, socially abandoned, economically trapped and spiritually seeking nationals in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, and Trujillo, Peru.


The Arizona team got to work right away in Santo Domingo.


“We worked in Santo Domingo taking food to the elderly, laying down a foundation for the farm house, building a fence for the farm, digging a trench for the sewer system and spending quality time with the local people,” said Chris Holohan.


The team also engaged in activities with the youth group and the women’s group.


games at the river


“The youth group prepared a show for the local school that included dancing and singing, games and a puppet show,” said Dani Bukta. “In the women’s groups we did crafts, manicures and Bible teachings. We also held several activities with the kids in the barrio.”


A highlight of the week was a baptism service for 14 new Christians after the church service.


“Each one of these new Christians has been going through the Peace Treaty (Bible study) and is involved with different church ministries,” said Dani. “This was a very exciting and encouraging experience for the church.”


Impressed with the work


Chris, Eric and their team members came away from the week impressed with the ministry of the Buktas and the preparations they made for a good short-term mission experience.


“As usual when working with them and their team, everything was scheduled and laid out perfectly to allow the team to step into the mission,” said Eric. “Our team had the opportunity to create new relationships and to serve alongside the missionaries and the people of the church.”


“I have worked with many different missions organization over the years, but they are some of the hardest-working, most committed missionaries I’ve met,” added Chris. “I’m excited to see how their work blesses the people of Santo Domingo, as they lay the ground work now for a brighter, exciting future for the people they are there to serve.”