Join LIA as we restore health, renew hope and inspire lasting transformation for Africa’s most vulnerable families and children.


LIA August News & Events


With summer winding down we can say its been a pretty eventful time for LIA and our country teams. As our LIA African teams complete a very busy season of program activity and hosting teams in the field, the Fall season is one of the busiest for the LIA USA team. So look out for more information about ways you can engage deeper with the ministry.

Here are a few updates and ways to connect with LIA:

  • By attending pre-conference courses and the conference, GMHC-Africa participants can earn up to 30 CME credits
  • South Sudan has signed a peace deal but it is still very fragile 
  • Meet Dr. Girma Begashaw who joins the LIA Team as the new Chief of Operations
  • Discover whats happening at the LIA Center 

Is there something else you want to hear more about? Send us a note.

The LIA Team

Transform. Together. this Christmas

Earn: CME Credits at GMHC-Africa 2015

Participants at this year’s GMHC Africa will be able to receive up to 30 Continuing Medical Education Credits (CME). 

There will also be a pre-conference training seminar covering Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Whole Person Care (WPC) and Advanced Life Support Obstetrics (ALSO).

Learn more about the GMHC-Africa pre-conference. 

Register GMHC-Africa now while there is still space! 


LIA HQ in Texas

Meet: Dr. Girma Begashaw

Perviously serving as the Chairman of the International Board, Dr. Begashaw now joins Life in Abundance International as our new Chief of Operations.

Q & A with Dr. Begashaw 

Send Dr. Begashaw a note!

Letter of Reflection and Thanksgiving

Learn: What Peace means for South Sudan 

South Sudanese President, Salva Kiir, has finally signed a peace agreement to end the conflict with rebel forces. This peace deal puts an end to 20 months of civil war that has seen thousands lose their lives and more than a million displaced. 

Though LIA continues to work in South Sudan many of our activities have been scaled back in order to ensure the security of our staff. As a team we pray that this new peace agreement lasts so that we may continue to work to meet the needs of the local community and bring lasting transformation. 

[Video] What peace means for South Sudan

Support our work in South Sudan 

Discover: What’s happening at the LIA Center

Registration for trainings at the LIA Center have already opened. In addition LIA-Kenya will be hosting a benefit breakfast at on September 5th!

To learn more about these and other activities visit our event page. 

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