[NIMA Logo]
PO Box 15133
Las Cruces, NM 88004-5133
1 (575) 647-2168



Praise, Prayer and Provision

A brief message from Herb Pinney to supplement, not
replace or get in the way of the very good, twice monthly message
from Rob Courtney and Morning Glory.

19 August, 2015





For fifty years of being a forwarding agent for our mission, Chief Financial Officer and a multitude of other offices to accommodate the work done by our missionaries, you folks have suffered through and loved me through my primitive hand-fired bookkeeping. Honesty was not the problem, legibility and accuracy was the discussion. For two years we have been working to get a more professional board of Trustees, new bylaws and to qualify for ECFA ranking and acceptance. We spent considerable time in Grapevine (Texas) on the problem and approximately $20,000.00 a year expense stood in our way; it was a matter of prayer.


For years Agape Christian Church has worked with the U.S. Government to provide work hours for court assigned community service, hours for TANF qualification, Work Force sharing of services.  This last month God answered our prayers. Jessica Peinado stepped into our world, smiling and said, “God chose you when I did not know where to go.” She is a senior Student at NMSU in accounting, daughter of a CPA, father has sixty years of business experience. Señor Peinado is from the coast lands of Colombia, South America, and fixing to retire as Jessica takes over his firm. She has gone right to work with a new copy of Quickbook 2015 Business installed, and we are translating everything over; that will include Google Spreadsheet and Mynor’s work in Guatemala. She speaks the home language, Spanish, and the school/work language, English, equally well. Praise God we are signed up for 40 hours a month, and daddy can help with the FCFA review or audit in time.




I detained the August wire until yesterday; I was $6,000.00 short in sending the full salaries and expense money. Lori was right back to me from the apartment in Guatemala City for clarification. The medical support for Lori’s therapies: you are responding to the faith-promise program of asking all Lori’s friends to make a faith promise of $25.00 a month to cover her medical expenses for the next 18 months to two years. She is doing very well and I have been promised a full report from Lori through Rob and the regular Morning Glory release. The Faith promise is about 35 faith promises short, but the crowd-funding program by D’Ann, Frog, Tiffany and Beka has taken up the slack. We do not want anymore medical fundraisers for a while. What is the crisis right now? I am $6,000.00 short in paying my teachers, meeting the utilities and school expenses; I NEED SOME SERIOUS HELP!  I needs some of my heavy hitters that save up till the bottom of the 9th to step up and hit a home run with some serious checks to help right now.  The Lord and I have always been able to count on you. You know the drill, PayPal at www.Missionoffaith.org and follow the prompts, OR checks to NIMA at P O Box 15133, Las Cruces, NM 88004-5133, OR call 575-650-3915 for Bank direct transfers.  God Bless you..




We are a mission of faith with no secret fund hiding back for emergencies or opportunities. We Have avoided opportunities to expand our base at national conventions such as NACC, ICOM and many others; just too expensive for our budget. The ICOM (National Missionary Convention) is the best. This year it is in Richmond, Virginia, Oct. 29-Nov.1st and a mission partner has bought us the very expensive mission’s display booth and we have paid Dean’s way. This will introduce us to thousands of new friends. The ICOM is partnering with the Virginia Evangelizing Assoc. and The Eastern Christian Conference to make it a triple day at the Park.  We are sending Dean and an old friend from South East Texas, Bobby Granger is going at his own expense. Lori has Morning Glory kids making special promotional packages of gourmet Guatemalan coffee to give away. Dean and son will be driving and staying in a cheaper motel a little farther out. This is a very important opportunity for us. Dean is putting together a computer PowerPoint program and all that we need to make a good impression. We need one church or an area of churches to sponsor this outreach as a mission fund sent by Oct. 15, 2015 of $1,500.00. This is seed money to promote our 2016 and beyond. Call Dean at 682-888-2183 or Herb at 575 650 3915 for info, or email herb@missionoffaith.org.


God Bless You and keep you… Love//Herb