Mission Services & the missions network
“thank you for your heart to reach the lost”
On Tuesday afternoon, we received the above from another ministry. Just days earlier, we received these words, “Thanks for coming alongside us to help us reach the world with Christ’s love!” Not long before that, this came by email, “Thanks for ALL you do at Mission Services and for the emphasis on prayer.”
Those 3 messages, though new and recent, speak to the nature of this ministry since its beginning in 1946. They reflect the vision of Harrold McFarland in the earliest days. They reflect the passion of Bill McGilvrey as he traveled far and spoke eloquently to so many about the necessary commitment to world evangelism. They also describe the people with whom I have worked during my nearly nineteen years as Executive Director.
Those words also describe each of you who receive this weekly email! I know your boxes are full. I want to thank you for your heart for world evangelism. I pray God’s blessing upon you, because there are so many around the world for whom His glory is yet unseen and unrecognized.
Would you share this email and our free app with someone you know who is interested in missions? In spite of the rapid growth in the number of people receiving this and the number of people who have downloaded our app, I am aware that there are THOUSANDS more know nothing about either. Do not think “they already know” or “they would not be interested.” Remember, the app is available for Android phones (http://bit.ly/the-missions-network-Android-app) or for iPhone, iPad, & iPod (http://bit.ly/the-missions-network-Apple-app).
Praying for more to be His,
Reggie Hundley Executive Director Mission Services Association, Inc.
the missions network