In this eNews:
» Reaching the Unreachable
» Discovery Events in Tennessee and Texas
» Apply for a 2016 Internship
2014 Ministry Overview

Reaching the Unreachable

A Survey Mission to an Oppressed Region Has Many Challenges

We rolled the SUV on day three of a three-month trip, and things went downhill from there. Although I had eagerly anticipated an adventurous life when I signed up to be a language surveyor, this was a bit much even for me!

During our months of preparation for the survey, we spoke extensively with people familiar with the region. Many tried to dissuade us. “Please don’t go there! Those people have very dark magic.” “The roads are very bad and dangerous, and there are too many lions.” 

These warnings, intended to deter, were the very reasons that compelled us to go.

Find Out What Happens

2014 Ministry Overview

Discover Pioneer Bible Translators

Attend a Weekend Event this Fall 

Discovery is designed for those interested in learning more about Pioneer Bible Translators’ ministries and finding where God might be leading them to serve. Discovery is offered at locations across the country and at our campus in Dallas.

Discover Pioneer Bible Translators – Tennessee
October 2 – October 4, 2015
Sevierville, Tennessee
Information and Registration

Discover Pioneer Bible Translators – Texas
November 6 – November 8, 2015
Lubbock, Texas
Information and Registration

Learn More about Attending Discovery

2014 Ministry Overview

Serve as a Summer Intern in 2016

Applications Now Being Accepted 

We believe one of the best ways to discern if God is leading an individual to become a long-term missionary is to experience cross-cultural ministry first hand. Each summer, we offer multiple 10-week internship opportunities (2 weeks of pre-field orientation and 8 weeks overseas).

Our internships consist of 3-4 students (generally college-aged) and a team coach, who serves as a facilitator, leader and guide. Since we want students to see a broad range of ministry and cultural learning activities, most internship teams travel to multiple ministry allocations.  

Learn More about Internships
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Pioneer Bible Translators
7255 West Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236

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